Around the World in 80 Days (1956) Starring: David Niven Cantiflas Shirley MacLaine Director – Michael Anderson

Around the World in 80 Days, is an epic picture, that is mainly a comedy. It doesn’t alway flow seamlessly, but for the most part; it doesn’t seem nearly three hours in length. It uses a gimmick, that films like this often do. There are a number of stars throughout the movie, with small parts. The most surprising is Frank Sinatra’s role. He was a big movie star, and he appears very briefly. Red Skelton and Andy Devine are good in their small roles. It is also a gathering of some of the most famous British stage and screen actors at that time. This includes John Gielgud, Noel Coward and Cedric Hardwicke.

One of the most famous British actors of his day, David Niven, is the star of this film. He plays Phileas Fogg, a member of The British Reform Club. He bets the members that he can travel around the world in 80 days. The members laugh at him, and gladly accept the bet. Fogg doesnt circumnavigate the globe by himself. He is accompanied by Passepartout, (Cantiflas). The actor, with his comic antics, steals the show from Niven. Cantiflas is particularly good when he is a matador in Spain. He’s also very good in the western scenes, in The United States. The female lead is Shirley MacLaine, who plays Indian princess Aouda. She is rescued by Fogg and Passepatout, from being burned on a funeral pyre, with her dead husband. MacLaine is passable in this role.

The film is, for the most part enjoyable. The first part is mainly a travelogue, but it picks up in the second half. It becomes a western, and then gives drama with the steamship, Henrietta, heading back to England. The ship runs out of fuel, and a source has to be found. The fuel source, becomes nearly every piece of wood on the ship. Fogg and company make it back to the club, just under the deadline.

This film, like many Hollywood productions is based on a novel. This novel, Around the World in 80 Days, was written by Jules Verne in 1872. This is when the movie takes place. The movie was filmed in various locations around the world. This is a daunting task. Michael Anderson was up to it. He directed the movie, except for the Spain sequences, which were done by John Farrow. It wouldn’t be much to get a good performance by David Niven. His performance as Phileas Fogg, keeps with his image as the British gentleman. What does show in the movie, is Cantiflas’s terrific comic performance. He was primarily a Mexican actor and comedian. He easily makes the transition to a major Hollywood production.

Around the World in Eighty Days, won The Academy Award for best picture. There may be some who scratch their heads at this choice. It is not like some long films; where glancing at a watch, or looking at the ceiling, are common. This is a good way to spend some time, particularly since it has some very good shots in international locales. Enjoy Around the World in Eighty Days, for what it is. It is Hollywood escapism at it’s finest.

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