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Northwest Passage (1940) Director-King Vidor Spencer Tracy Robert Young Walter Brennan Ruth Hussie

MGM studios had many stars in Hollywood’s golden age. One of the best was two time academy award winner, Spencer Tracy. He is the star of the movie Northwest Passage. It’s a good film directed by King Vidor, about Major Richard Rogers and his rangers, a group of specially trained men, working with the British […]

Northwest Passage (1940) Director-King Vidor Spencer Tracy Robert Young Walter Brennan Ruth Hussie Read More »

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Starring:Gregory Peck Brock Peters Mary Badham Director-Robert Mulligan

Hollywood has made many socially conscious films. One film that stands out is To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s based on the Harper Lee novel about racial prejudice in the south. It’s main character is Atticus Finch. He is a strong willed principled attorney, played by Gregory Peck. The film takes place in Macomb, Georgia. It’s

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) Starring:Gregory Peck Brock Peters Mary Badham Director-Robert Mulligan Read More »

Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Starring:James Stewart Jean Arthur Claude Rains Edward Arnold Director-Frank Capra

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is a film directed by Frank Capra, about corruption in Washington. It shows the corruption being as natural as breathing air to some, and others fighting to the last to stop it. Frank Capra had a knack for tackling controversial subjects. This movie is no exception. This film is about

Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Starring:James Stewart Jean Arthur Claude Rains Edward Arnold Director-Frank Capra Read More »

Comic Book Movies

The success of Captain Marvel, indicates that films based on comic books will be with us for awhile. Although many are enjoyable, some aren’t, like Justice League and BatmanVs. Superman. Hollywood should be coming up with new ideas, but they have always adapted films from other sources. For the most part, they’ve adapted the material

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Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Harrison Ford Karen Allen Paul Freeman Director-Steven Spielberg

By: Joe Wolf Raiders of the Lost Ark is a film that is edge of the seat action. It is a film that defines action and adventure. There are clear lines drawn between good and evil. There is quality acting and colorful characters. What makes this film work, is the director, Steven Spielberg. The plot

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Harrison Ford Karen Allen Paul Freeman Director-Steven Spielberg Read More »

Gone With the Wind (1939) Starring:Clark Gable Vivian Leigh Leslie Howard Olivia de Havilland Director-Victor Fleming

Gone With the Wind is considered to be one of the best films ever made. It is for many reasons. The story, the acting , the directing and the determination of the producer to get this film, from page to the silver screen. This film is about a southern belle, Scarlett O’Hara, who has everything

Gone With the Wind (1939) Starring:Clark Gable Vivian Leigh Leslie Howard Olivia de Havilland Director-Victor Fleming Read More »

Star Wars Episode 4 : A New Hope (1977) Starring:Mark Hamil Harrison Ford Carrie Fisher Alec Guinness Director-George Lucas

Star Wars is a film that changed the industry. Hollywood for many years, focused on serious dramas, like The Godfather films, The Graduate, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and The Days of Wine and Roses. Star Wars gives us clear lines with identifiable heroes, and clear cut villains. It is great to watch, with

Star Wars Episode 4 : A New Hope (1977) Starring:Mark Hamil Harrison Ford Carrie Fisher Alec Guinness Director-George Lucas Read More »

Why Movies Appeal to Us

Joe Wolf I have loved movies since I was a child. It started with the classic horror films, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy and The Wolfman. Boris Karloff, Lugosi and Lon Chaney portraying these creatures, gave me insight into believable acting. They managed to immortalize these villains for us. I later got an appreciation for all

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