Breakthrough (2019) Chrissy Metz Marcel Ruiz Director-Roxann Dawson

Chrissy Metz gives a quality performance as Joyce Smith, a mother whose faith is tested, with a family crisis. She is the mother of John Smith, a star on his high school basketball team. Her and her family have a deep faith in God, and are close to their pastor, John Noble, (Topher Grace).

One day, John Smith is walking with his buddies, and they do something foolish; something teenagers do. They slide across a frozen river. The neighbor warns them about their dangerous antics. They don’t heed the warning, and they all fall through the ice. Everyone makes it out of the water, except for John Smith. He stays underwater for several minutes, until paramedics pull him out unconscious and barely breathing. His mother is notified of the accident, and goes to the hospital.

She is met by the medical team, and they inform her that there is no hope for her son. Joyce Smith’s reaction is disbelief, and feels her son will make it. Her husband, Brian, (Josh Smith), tries his best to get her to accept the reality of the situation, as do her family and friends. She can’t accept that God would allow her son to die, even when Pastor John Noble tries to explain things. She spends her time at her comatose son’s bedside. During this time, Joyce Smith doesn’t sleep or eat. She prays to God asking for Him, to bring her son back. She neglects her health so much that she forgets about her insulin, and nearly goes into shock. Once she recovers, her pastor and doctors persuade her to let her son go. He is disconnected from life support, but then, her son shows signs of life. This is a powerful scene. The director shows the mother pleading for her son to come back to them. It is shown with John Smith floating in water, lying in his hospital bed, and floating to the top, and seeing bright light.

John Smith was underwater for several minutes and the movie shows the timeframe of nearly three days, before he miraculously recovers. When John Smith recovers, Director Roxann Dawson has a scene where students at the school find out. They make signs letting everyone around know. It’s a very good scene, that tugs at the heartstrings. John has a rehab period and is back to school in less than three months. He is greeted by his classmates with a joyful response.

There are two things that bring out the film’s message. The first is when the paramedic who pulled John Smith out of the water, is asked why he didn’t give up hope. He says when he turned away, he heard a voice that said, “go back”. The second is when John’s teacher who is a widow; asks why God would save him, and not let her husband live? John of course can’t answer that question. It is unanswerable.

Breakthrough is a film whose message of faith and a mother’s love is refreshing. It is a true story which shows that miracles can and do happen. Hollywood has made countless film biographies and stories based on fact. This movie reflects what can happen when a good script is written, an actress can convey pain and joy effectively, and the director knows their way behind the camera.

This movie is about having faith in God. It shows that even people of strong faith, are put to the test. It also proves that trusting the will of God is always the best thing. Faith, family and the support of friends can get people through major crises. The entertainment industry should make more films like Breakthrough.

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