Bringing Up Baby (1938) Starring: Cary Grant Katherine Hepburn Charles Ruggles Walter Catlett Barry Fitzgerald May Robson Director-Howard Hawks

Cary Grant, was considered a romantic lead, in 1938. After appearing in Bringing Up Baby, his status changed. He is terrific as paleontologist, David Huxley. Grant’s performance is helped by Katherine Hepburn as Susan Vance. Hepburn, had before this movie, only appeared in serious films. She was a little hesitant, but was helped along by Howard Hawks and Grant. She received most of her help from cast member, Walter Catlett. He was a veteran vaudeville performer, and knew comic timing. Katherine Hepburn was very grateful to Catlett, and persuaded Howard Hawks to give him a bigger role. Hawks agreed giving him the role of Constable Slocum.

David Huxley’s life is interrupted when he meets flighty heiress, Susan Vance. He is playing golf, and she interrupts his game. He later tries to move his car, but Susan is blocking it. She moves Huxley’s car by mistake, and damages it, causing grief. It is only the beginning of the mishaps she causes for him. David is trying to get 1 million dollars for his work, from Mrs. Carlton Random. He finds out he needs to speak to her attorney, Alexander Peabody, (George Irving). It turns out that Peabody is a close friend of Susan. David, despite Susan annoying him, must keep close company with her. This decision turns out to be a disaster. Susan has a dog, that manages to steal the bone, that David needs to complete his dinosaur skeleton. It is funny to watch David chasing after the dog. Susan has another pet as well. It is a leopard named Baby. Everyone is afraid of it, except Susan. The laughs continue, when Baby gets loose. While Baby is roaming, a circus leopard gets loose. Susan, thinking the escaped circus animal, is her leopard, captures it with some difficulty. During the confusion, Major Applegate, (Charles Ruggles), a big game hunter, attempts to capture baby, resulting in chaos. The entire situation lands Susan, David , Major Applegate and Susan’s Aunt Elizabeth, in jail. Everything gets resolved, with both leopards finding their proper places. Susan later causes David more catastrophe, but it doesn’t matter, because he loves her.

Howard Hawks, until this point, was known for a few movies. His most famous film, was the crime drama, Scarface. Bringing Up Baby, although not a box office success, established his reputation. He went on to make several comedies. He made Cary Grant a star, making four more films with him. It was his helping Katherine Hepburn, with her comic acting that allowed her to become a dominant actress. Hawks directing encompassed nearly every genre imaginable. He made John Wayne a dramatic actor. He brought out Marilyn Monroe’s singing and dancing. Howard Hawks motion picture legacy is enduring.

Bringing Up Baby is one of the best comedies of the 1930’s. It always makes top 100 film lists. Screwball comedies helped lift America’s spirits during The Great Depression. They still do that today. A movie like Bringing Up Baby, is guaranteed to bring laughter, to even the most solemn person.

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