Christmas in Connecticut (1945) Starring:Barbara Stanwyck Dennis Morgan Sydney Greenstreet Reginald Gardiner S.Z. Sakall Director-Peter Godfrey

Christmas movies that succeed, usually have a good story and acting. This is the case with Christmas in Connecticut. Barbara Stanwyck does her usual quality acting, playing Elizabeth Lane. Her costar is Dennis Morgan. Morgan is just right playing Jefferson Jones. They are directed in this film by Peter Godfrey. He has managed with this movie to gain fame, because it’s his best; and a good Christmas film.

Jefferson Jones is a veteran, who wants Christmas dinner. His fiancée, has written a letter to Alexander Yardley’s magazine, about Jones’ request. Yardley is played very well by the excellent character actor, Sydney Greenstreet. Yardley has a writer on his staff, Elizabeth Lane. Her job is putting out articles about her domestic life. This includes cooking. It also includes her husband and baby, all living together in a nice country house. The only problem is, it’s all a lie. Her house is a small apartment, and there is no husband or baby. Her boss, believes the lie. He has also invited Jefferson Jones to Elizabeth Lane’s house for Christmas dinner.

Stanwyck’s character has to scramble to figure a way, to live her lie. Luckily for her, she is friends with a chef, Felix Bassenak. He is played by S.Z. Sakall. His character gives comic relief, and works well with Stanwyck and Greenstreet. Felix does his best to bail out Elizabeth. There is a great comic scene, where Stanwyck, makes pancakes under Felix’s direction. She does this because her boss has insisted on her making pancakes.

The biggest dilemma for Elizabeth Lane is how to come up with a husband and baby. She comes up with John Sloan, (Reginald Gardiner),for a husband. John Sloan likes Elizabeth enough to marry her, and she reluctantly agrees. Elizabeth lane manages also to borrow a baby. This creates chaos later, when the baby’s mother, comes back for her. Lane’s boss sees it, and calls the police. He thinks the baby was stolen.

Jefferson Jones arrives for dinner. This is when Jones becomes more than just a dinner guest. He and Elizabeth Lane fall in love. They even go to jail, when they borrow a horse and sleigh. Things get worse for Lane, when the truth is found out. Her boss fires her. He later realizes that he can get better publicity by running the story, and keeping her. He is also put off by Lane’s fake husband, who has his own self interests, at heart. The two sweethearts have one problem, Jefferson Jones’ fiancée. She arrives to break bad news to him. She has married his navy pal. This news, of course elates the couple. This final touch, makes what could have been a terrible holiday; a very Merry Christmas.

There was a time, when Hollywood made Christmas movies all of the time. The decade of the 1940’s illustrates that. Christmas in Connecticut is certainly an example of how to make a good one. Barbara Stanwyck is an actress who could make almost any movie better with her presence. She goes from someone who makes money from a lie, to a humble person, who finds love. The movie succeeds mostly due to her. It also stands out because of a few scenes. These are brought out by Peter Godfrey’s direction. He goes from showing Stanwyck’s character’s bleak apartment, to a beautiful outside shot of the Connecticut house. This is a fine way of showing bleak, contrasted with a beautiful winter christmas scene. It helps that he has gotten fine support from Sydney Greenstreet, and S.Z. Sakall. Christmas in Connecticut has with its charming story elements, become something special. It is a movie that can give most people a good feeling at Christmas. It is, even after seventy five years still very watchable.

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