Duck Soup (1933) Director-Leo McCarey Starring:The Marx Brothers Margaret Dumont Louis Calhern

Duck Soup is another hilarious comedy starring Groucho, Harpo and Chico. They prove once again, that no comedy team, was as effective at making audiences laugh. This film is effective political satire. It skewers all manner of politicians, and their followers. It is also the last film with Zeppo Marx. In the movie, he plays Rufus T. Firefly’s secretary, Bob Roland.

Groucho Marx plays Rufus T. Firefly, the newly appointed leader of Freedonia. Harpo and Chico play incompetent spies, Pinky and Chicolini. They’ve been hired by Ambassador Trentino, (Louis Calhern). He wants to get information on Firefly for his country of Sylvania. The two spies get information, but Trentino sees their intelligence is wrong. Chicolini confesses, they spied on the wrong guy. This bit is funny, but even better, is the fun, Harpo and Chico have torturing a lemonade vendor, played by Edgar Kennedy. The vendor is incensed that Harpo has moved in on his territory; selling hotdogs and popcorn. He starts harassing Harpo. Harpo fights back. He keeps stealing Edgar Kennedy’s hat and switching it with his hat and Chico’s. Harpo even sets the hat on fire. Kennedy’s character kicks over Harpo’s stand. Harpo jumps into the vendor’s lemonade. After this Kennedy gives up. Harpo isn’t done. He pays a visit to Kennedy’s wife. The vendor comes home, and Harpo flees, into the bathtub, and Kennedy’s character takes a bath. Harpo is discovered, and flees.

Pinky and Chicolini have been requested by Trentino to impersonate Rufus Firefly. They lock him in a closet, and try this. Firefly gets out and hilarity ensues, when he sees Pinky dressed as him. Groucho and Harpo then proceed in a routine that takes skill to make it work. They are in adjoining rooms, and keep looking at each other, in disbelief; slowly coming in view of each other. It is one of so many examples in the film, of the comic genius, of the brothers.

Rufus T. Firefly, decides to declare war on Sylvania. It is mainly to keep people from seeing that he’s an idiot. Chicolini flips to Freedonia, because the food is better. Pinky joins him, trying to recruit soldiers. Mrs. Gloria Teasdale, (Margaret Dumont), the rich socialite; that Firefly has insulted throughout the movie, and Ambassador Trentino, attempts to court: has asked for help, because the enemy is closing in. Firefly, Pinky and Chicolini, come to her aid. They capture Trentino and start to pelt him with fruit. Mrs.Teasdale starts singing the national anthem of Freedonia. Her singing is so bad, that The Marx Brothers pelt her with fruit.

Duck Soup further displays the comedic talents of The Marx Brothers. It is a laugh fest from beginning to end. It is political satire at its finest. There are comedy teams of this era, like Laurel and Hardy, who were hilarious. Their humor is mainly slapstick, and they are famous for their shorts, rather than their full length films. Duck Soup is a true example of comedy that works. It is great movie for any fan of comedy.

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