Gone With the Wind (1939) Starring:Clark Gable Vivian Leigh Leslie Howard Olivia de Havilland Director-Victor Fleming

Gone With the Wind is considered to be one of the best films ever made. It is for many reasons. The story, the acting , the directing and the determination of the producer to get this film, from page to the silver screen.

This film is about a southern belle, Scarlett O’Hara, who has everything in life, but has it all destroyed by the war. She marries Rhett Butler, and gets everything she wants or needs. The only problem is that she doesn’t love him. She loves Ashley Wilkes, who is married to Melanie. This causes problems, for the couple, particularly when Scarlett is seen in an embrace with Ashley Wilkes. This angers Rhett so much, that he makes her go to Ashley Wilkes birthday party alone. He hopes that she will be humiliated at the party, but she isn’t. She is welcomed into the house, by Melanie Hamilton-Wilkes. Rhett and Scarlett’s marriage continues to be stormy. Unfortunately, it falls apart when the couples only child, Bonnie Blue Butler, is killed in a riding accident. Rhett Butler falls into a deep depression, because of this loss. Melanie attempts to console Rhett, and after leaving him, becomes terminally ill. As Melanie lays dying, she asks Scarlett to look after Ashley, to which she agrees. After this, she asks Ashley to hold her, and Rhett storms out. Scarlett goes back to the house and asks why Rhett is packing. He tells her he is leaving. She then asks him “What Shall I do, Where will I go?” Rhett Butler’s reply, “ Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” is one of the greatest lines in the cinema. He walks out on Scarlett and she says “ Tomorrow is another day.”

Although the story may seem like a romance between Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara, it isn’t. It’s about the destruction of the old south. Scarlett sees her way of life destroyed by the war. Her mother passes away suddenly. Her father is killed while pursuing, a former employee, who wants to buy Tara, his estate. Scarlett sees all of her friends and neighbors, deeply affected by the war. Her true love Ashley Wilkes goes off to war, and comes home to see his estate, Twelve Oaks, destroyed, and his father dead. Many of Scarlett’s suitors are either killed or wounded. She tends to the wounded, and she breaks down and runs away, because she cant stand the suffering. She has to flee a burning Atlanta, to escape Union forces. All of these events happen to her, even before her tumultuous marriage to Rhett Butler.

The acting in this film is great. Rhett Butler is played by Clark Gable. Scarlett O’Hara is portrayed by Vivian Leigh. Melanie Hamilton-Wilkes is portrayed by Olivia Dehavilland. Ashley Wilkes is played by Leslie Howard. Hattie McDaniel plays Mammy.

Clark Gable was the King of Hollywood, when Gone With the Wind was released. There was never any doubt, that he would play Rhett Butler. He was magnificent in this film. He should have won an Oscar, but didn’t. He has great lines in the film, particularly when he says to Scarlett, “ You need to be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.” He gives a portrayal of a strong man, who is never afraid to speak his opinion, even if it offends his guests, who believe that courage and belief will win the war. Clark Gable shows off his skills, when he pretends to be drunk, along with Ashley Wilkes and others to protect them from occupying Federal troops. Gable shows anger and rage, when Rhett Butler sees Ashley Wilkes picture on the bedroom floor. He conveys the image of a refined southern gentleman. This is apparent when Rhett and Scarlett are strolling with their child, and he takes his hat off and greets all the ladies on the street. Clark Gable was an academy award winning actor before this movie. His role as Rhett Butler didn’t win him another Oscar, but he will always be remembered for his portrayal.

Vivian Leigh was an unknown actress before playing Scarlett O’Hara. David O. Selznick, the producer, was searching for the right actress. The role of Scarlett, was coveted by nearly every famous actress in Hollywood. The producer saw Vivian Leigh, in a movie called Fire Over England. After watching her performance, he knew he found Scarlett O’Hara. She didn’t disappoint him. She learned to speak in a southern accent, in a very short time. She nearly dominates the movie. Her pouting when she doesn’t get her way, and her flaunting her charms, around her suitors, portray Scarlett’s selfishness. One scene in which Vivian Leigh shines, is when Scarlett wants to start a mill, to save Tara. She asks Ashley Wilkes, for the money and he says no. She cries to Melanie, that Ashley won’t help her. Melanie insists that Ashley help her, and he relents. She portrays Scarlett’s shock and horror, when her daughter, Bonnie Blue, shows off her riding skills; and she remembers her father being killed in a riding accident. The look in her face says it all, when her daughter is killed trying a riding stunt. The final scene is the best. This is after Rhett leaves Scarlett. She is sprawled on the steps, and hears her father’s voice in her head, saying land is the only thing that matters. She says tomorrow is another day, and she”ll get Rhett back. Vivian Leigh became an overnight film sensation, by portraying Scarlett O’Hara. Her performance won her an academy award. She made other films, but her portrayal of Scarlett lives in film afficianado’s hearts.

Leslie Howard played Ashley Wilkes. He was a prominent British actor, who recently played Professor Henry Higgins in Pygmalion. He doesn’t do much in the film, except show weakness, when Scarlett comes on to him. He has his best onscreen moment, when he makes a speech to the southern gentlemen, in his home. In this speech he says that war is terrible, and hopes the north will let them be. Another good scene for Howard, is when Ashley Wilkes comes home from the war, and runs to greet Melanie. Howard is at his best, when he tries to comfort his son, as his mother lies dying.

Olivia Dehavilland played Melanie-Hamilton-Wilkes in the film. Before Gone With the Wind, she was known for costarring with Errol Flynn. Her character of Melanie is the exact opposite of Scarlett. She is selfless and always sees the good in people. She shines in the scene where she welcomes Scarlett in her home. This is after she catches Scarlett in an embrace with Ashley. Her almost angelic portrayal come through, when she talks to Captain Butler; devasted by the loss of his daughter. She portrays Melanie as a woman full of kindness, who is a light in the darkness.

Hattie McDaniel does a great job as Mammy. Her role earned her an academy award. She acts as a surrogate mother to Scarlett, and also a counselor to Rhett Butler. Her best scene is gripping. She pleads with Melanie to talk to Rhett, after his daughter’s tragic death. McDaniel’s Character also helps lighten the very serious tone of the film.

Victor Fleming directed this movie. His work on the film, helped make it a great movie. He had a daunting task ahead of him. George Cukor, the previous director, left production, after disagreements with Clark Gable. He dealt with a variety of actors, and got great performances from them. He manages to show the naïveté of the young men at the barbecue. When they find out the north has declared war, they are jubilant, and leave the barbecue to enlist. He shows the horror of war, when he pans the camera, to show the wounded lying in the street. A standout scene is when a soldier is coming down the road. The soldier slowly comes into view, and he is Ashley Wilkes. There is the very gripping scene of the burning of Atlanta. You can almost feel the panic of the residents and Scarlett when they are fleeing the city. It takes a lot of effort to direct a film. It takes a supreme effort to make it a masterpiece. That is what Victor Fleming achieved with Gone With the Wind.

David O. Selznick produced Gone With the Wind. The book was written by Margaret Mitchell. It was read by all of the Hollywood wives. He bought the rights to the book, and started production. He encountered problems with the film. The biggest problem was the scene of the burning of Atlanta. The fire got out of control, and nearly burned down the set. He started production, without casting Scarlett O’Hara. After a lengthy search, he found Vivian Leigh. He passed up many actresses, including Gable’s wife, Carole Lombard. This casting decision was one of the greatest of all. He also had to make a directorial change to Victor Fleming. This could have proven a disaster. It turned out very well. It is because of the vision and determination of David O. Selznick, that this film was made.

There are always discussions about Gone With the Wind’s legacy among films. It stands alone and will always be appreciated. It shows how a film can be made, when creative minds are in charge.

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