Holiday Affair (1949) Robert Mitchum Janet Leigh Director-Don Hartman

Robert Mitchum and Janet Leigh are in this film, which is a jumping off point for both. She was just starting in films and he was arrested for marijuana possession, and trying to get his career going. They both do well in this Christmas movie.

Janet Leigh plays war widow, Connie Ennis. She is trying her best to raise her six year old son. It is Christmas and she wants to get her son a nice gift. She goes to Ennis’ department store, in NYC, looking for something. It is here that she meets salesman, Steve Mason, played well by Robert Mitchum. She buys a train set from him. She later brings it back, because she is employed as a comparison shopper. Steve Mason doesn’t report her and is fired.

Connie Ennis feels badly getting Steve Mason fired, and catches up with him. They talk and share lunch at the park with the penguins. A connection is formed between the two. The problem is that she’s been seeing Carl Davis, an attorney for two years. Connie explains to Steve that she likes the security that Carl brings to her life. Steve explains about love to Connie, which leaves her confused about her relationship. This is a very tender scene between Leigh and Mitchum.

Connie’s relationship with Carl becomes more complicated, because her son doesn’t like him.Timmy and Steve have bonded. The situation becomes interesting when she invites her ex-in-laws, Griff Barnett and Esther Dale, for dinner. She tells them about the man in her life. They think it’s Steve, and are crestfallen, when they find out its Carl. They share the same feelings Timmy does about him. Steve later shows up and proposes marriage after Carl has. Steve leaves and Connie realizes after listening to her former in-laws talk about their happiness, that Steve is the man for her.

Carl is put in an awkward position. He has defended Steve on a bogus charge of robbery and assault. During the course of doing this, he’s discovered two things: Steve Mason is a likable guy, and Connie loves him. When he gets the charges thrown out, he has a talk in the car with her. Carl acts like a divorce attorney, summarizing the case for dissolving their relationship. He gets out of the car, and wishes her well. It is a different way of doing a breakup scene, but it works well between Wendell Corey and Janet Leigh.

It is now New Year’s Eve, and Steve Mason has taken the train out of town. Onboard the passengers are happily celebrating the new year. Connie Ennis has found out, and gets onboard with her son, and they are reunited, making for a very happy new year for three people.

Janet Leigh and Robert Mitchum have made Holiday Affair, a nice romantic film to watch for Christmas. Their performances in this film are very nearly overshadowed, by Gordon Gebert, as Timmy Ellis. It is heart wrenching when he talks to the owner of the store, Mr. Crowley, (Henry O’Neill), to return his train; to get money for his mother. After the talk, Mr. Crowley gladly does it. It is a testament to the ability of director, Don Hartman, to get a great performance from a child actor. Holiday Affair doesn’t get on the list of great Christmas films chosen by either fans or critics. It does deserve a viewing, simply because it will make you feel good after watching it.

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