It Happened One Night Starring:Clark Gable Claudette Colbert Director-Frank Capra

Clark Gable was a known actor before It Happened One Night. This film gives Gable his enduring image, and shows his acting ability. Clark Gable was playing all kinds of characters, like most struggling actors. He charms and plays the tough bull headed reporter, Peter Warne. This role, not only cements his Hollywood career, but earns him the academy award. He shares screen time with the very talented Claudette Colbert. She plays Elle Andrews, a runaway heiress. Although both these individuals, need no big push, they are helped, by Frank Capra. He was in Hollywood for awhile looking for success. He finds it with this movie. It is a success, and Capra joins his stars, Gable and Colbert receiving an Oscar.

It Happened One Night, is a screwball comedy. This type of film, was very popular in the 1930’s. Ironically, Clark Gable later married the queen of these type of films; Carol Lombard. It is very entertaining and is one of many comedies that Capra did. He has made this into a road picture, long before Bob Hope and Bing Crosby did them.

Peter Warne is an unemployed reporter on a bus trip to New York City. It is on this journey, that he meets a runaway heiress, named Ellie Andrews. She has literally jumped ship: leaving her father’s yacht, by jumping overboard. She was being held there, because her father, Alexander Andrews, (Walter Connely), disapproved of her marriage to famous aviator, King Westley, (Jameson Thomas). The two find adventure on their trip, as well as experiencing life. Peter Warne learns more about people, and Ellie Andrews experiences the life of the average American. It is a shock to her, especially when she has to wait outside to take a shower. These two people are as different as night and day. Despite their vast differences, they fall in love. They have a falling out, when Colbert’s character has a misunderstanding. She mistakenly believes that Peter Warne, wanted the reward money offered by her father. She decides to go through with a grand wedding, to King Westley. It is getting mass coverage by the press. It is then that Ellie Andrews finds out that Peter Warne loves her, and she runs off with him.

There are several scenes in It Happened One Night that are entertaining. During the bus trip, Gable’s character sings The Man on the Flying Trapeze. He is joined by several passengers. It is Ellie’s first real exposure to the other side of life. She is amused by this very simple, but happy experience. We see the morality of the time. Gable and Colbert share a room. Gable divides the bed, because the couple isn’t married. When the bus leaves them, Gable says he’s an expert at hitchhiking. Car after car pass them by. Colbert’s character says she’ll get them a ride. She pulls up her skirt, exposing her leg. This immediately gets them transportation. Another scene involves a shady character, who finds out the identity of Ellie Andrews. Peter Warne comes up with a story that scares the guy so much, that he runs away. These scenes are part of what makes It Happened One Night, such a wonderful film. It also shows why on this movie, The Academy got it right.

Frank Capra made his career, on making films that depicted the everyday American, fighting the unscrupulous rich. It Happened One Night doesn’t follow that pattern. Ellie Andrews is more a spoiled child, who wants her way. She sees the world in a different light, because of her impulsive actions. Ellie’s father isn’t the typical rich stereotype, of the time. He is a man who loves his daughter, and wants the best for her. He understands that Peter Warne’s love is the best thing for his daughter. The best thing about It Happened One Night, is it’s fine example of screwball comedy.

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