News of the World (2020) Starring:Tom Hanks Helena Zengel Director-Paul Greengrass

Tom Hanks is called America’s actor. It’s an appropriate title. He has played characters as diverse as Forrest Gump to heroic airline pilot Chesley Sullenberger. He has been awarded twice with an Oscar. He has in News of the World, proved why his acting is on a separate level. Hanks plays Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd. He plays opposite Helena Zengel. She is playing Johanna, who doesn’t speak a word of English. She speaks the language of The Kiowa, throughout most of the movie. Helena Zengel is good in a difficult role that requires mostly pantomime skills.

Captain Kidd has a unique job. He travels the harsh Texas frontier, in 1870, reading the news to towns. He does this mainly in tents, with a small candle. This atmosphere is well done by the director, Paul Greengrass, who also was one of the screenwriters. He has created the feel of a town on the western frontier, complete with dirt roads, cattle and the assortment of people, good and bad. Hanks entry into town among the cattle, is just one scene, that lends realism.There is also the bad feelings after The Civil War. This is apparent when a news story is read about reconstruction. Texas isn’t meeting standards for re-entry, into the union. This causes anger among the citizens, with many calling President Grant a butcher.

Captain Kidd leaves the town, and comes across a frightened girl, hiding in a wagon. Her family has been killed. They were of The Kiowa tribe. Kidd does manage to calm her, and take her back to town. He tries to get her settled, but it doesn’t work. He finds out she has an aunt and uncle, hundreds of miles distant. Kidd agrees to take her to them. They run into brutal men, who want to buy Johanna. The captain is appalled, and refuses them. They follow him, which leads to a showdown. Johanna proves that she is more than a child, during this; helping Hanks’ character when he runs out of bullets. Helena Zengel proves that children can have solid acting talent. There is a scene, where a tribe passes, and she calls out who she is. She can’t be heard because of the distance, and becomes upset. There is another scene, after Kidd’s horse and carriage are lost. The two must travel on foot, with Kidd having to carry Johanna. A dust storm comes up. Johanna grabs the blanket she has, and wraps it around her facing the storm. There are remnants of her tribe, who give her a horse. This action saves both from certain death.

The best part about the movie, is the common bond, that Captain Kidd and Johanna share. They are both outcasts. The captain, is a former confederate officer, who has left his wife, to spread the news. Johanna is a white girl, who was taken by the Kiowa, raised in their ways, and knows nothing of her previous life. She wants nothing to do with it, and only wants the life that was taken away. Their bond is what keeps them going through adversity.

A western takes many forms. It can be total fiction, semi- accurate, or gritty realism. News of the World, aims for gritty realism, and succeeds. It doesn’t take the viewer on a fantasy, but has managed to tell a grim and gripping tale.

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