Planet of the Apes (1968) Charlton Heston Roddy McDowell Kim Hunter Maurice Evans James Whitmore James Daly Linda Harrison Director-Franklin J. Schaffner

Charlton Heston was a classic American actor for decades. He became the king of epic films. He may easily have become a struggling actor. That never happened because of his contemporary, Burt Lancaster. He was considered a more marketable star than Heston. The producers wanted him for Ben-Hur. Lancaster turned downed the role. It was because of his religious beliefs. Heston firmly established his career, winning an Oscar for his role. This didn’t hurt Lancaster. He won the award next year for his starring role in Elmer Gantry.

Heston appeared in several epics after Ben-Hur. This gave him a larger than life screen persona. His role in Planet of the Apes, would also alter his career. It was also a role he wasn’t asked to do initially. Other actors were considered, but turned down the role. Franklin Schaffner, the director always wanted Heston, and was happy the actor accepted the role. Heston in his role as Taylor, was able to keep his career moving. His character became famous, and the movie changed science fiction forever. It became a forerunner for the Star Wars films.

Taylor, Landon, (Robert Gunner), and Dodge, (Jeff Burton), crash on a planet, landing 2000 years in the future. They explore the land, even taking a swim in calm waters. The astronauts come across primitive humans. They are trying to communicate with them. There is a disturbance in the serene setting. Taylor and company see apes on horseback. Everyone runs away, but they aren’t faster than horses. Taylor is seriously injured and taken prisoner. Dodge is killed and Langdon falls prey to medical experiments.

Taylor shares a cell with Nova, (Linda Harrison). Taylor isn’t happy being treated like a zoo animal, and attempts to escape. He is recaptured. He shocks his captors by speaking. This prompts the interest of Dr. Zaius, (Maurice Evans). A trained and famous Shakespearean actor, Evans is best known as Samantha’s father on Bewitched. He chews up the scenery in his scenes with Heston. Evans character is the lead inquisitor in a show trial of Taylor. The council of orangutans, feels Taylor is inferior. Zira and Cornelius are doctors, and speak their piece. Their pleadings are not heeded by the council. Zaius and company must decide Taylor’s fate. It will be hard for them because this displaced man has pointed out flaws in their structured society.

This film succeeds partly because of Heston’s presence. The driving force behind Planet of the Apes is Franklin J. Schaffner. He started as a television director, winning Emmy awards for his work. He then climbed the ladder of success in movies. He used jittery camera movements for this movie. This is shown when the ship crashes and when Taylor and company are trekking across the desert. The scene when the ape hunters are coming gives a hint of the chaos to come. The trial scenes with a barely clothed Heston showing up the dressed and supposedly superior apes, gives Taylor a philosopher’s look.

Charlton Heston is the star. His character isn’t someone to like. He constantly rides Landon when they are stranded. After his capture, he then uses his arrogance and his intellect to his advantage. This role is a coup for Heston. He is helped by the presence of Roddy McDowell and Kim Hunter. Both of these actors employed method acting, studying ape behavior at zoos. McDowell adapted so well to his makeup that he helped other actors with their facial expressions. McDowell had been acting for years in movies. He first appeared in How Green was My Valley as a child.

There were many challenges in the making of this film. One was the makeup, which was created by John Chambers. The actors had to spend several hours in the makeup chair. It was uncomfortable, and they were advised to not eat solid food, because chewing might mess it up. Chambers did an exceptional job, worthy of the great Universal Studios master, Frank Pierce. Another problem was the script. It was adapted from the Pierre Boulle novel. The multiple Emmy award winner and Twilight Zone creator, Rod Serling, tried with difficulty to write the screenplay. He was helped by Michael  Wilson, who made major revisions to the script.

Planet of the Apes is a groundbreaking movie. It is an intelligent, science fiction film. The premise of the movie sounds silly, but it worked. The novel was brought to the screen through the efforts of three people. They were producer Arthur Jacobs, Franklin J. Schaffner and Charlton Heston. Jacobs after a few years was able to sell the film to Twentieth Century Fox. Heston also pitched it, with storyboards. Schaffner, when he was brought on board, did a phenomenal job through many adverse conditions. The studio to its credit, began a mass marketing campaign, including figures and trading cards. It also green lighted several sequels. This never happened before to a science fiction movie. Planet of the Apes stands tall among science fiction movies. It carries the standard for the genre, with an intelligent script, good effects and quality acting.


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