Rudy (1993) Sean Astin Jon Favreau Ned Beatty Charles S. Dutton Director-David Anspaugh

Rudy is the true story of Daniel (Rudy) Ruettiger, (Sean Astin). He attended Notre Dame university in the the seventies. It isn’t just a story about a normal student. It is a story Hollywood loves. Rudy is a little guy, who loves Notre Dame football. He wants nothing more than to play for his beloved university.

He encounters many roadblocks along the way. His father, Daniel, (Ned Beatty) doesn’t think it’s a good idea. A priest at Rudy’s school, Joliet, discourages him, when Rudy tells him about attending Notre Dame. He says that he isn’t college material. He decides to follow his family’s career paths: the local steel mill.

Fate steps in one day. Rudy’s friend is killed in an accident at the mill. This gives Rudy the determination to change his life, and attend Notre Dame. He must first attend a small college to achieve an acceptable GPA. He is tutored by D-Bob, (Jon Favreau). The two become close friends. Favreau and Sean Astin became friends, during the filming.

Rudy does make it to Notre Dame. He manages to pay for his tuition, with a part time job. It is working with the grounds crew, at the football stadium. His boss, Fortune, (Charles S. Dutton), acts as a surrogate father. Dutton’s character has one of the best scenes in the movie. Rudy is discouraged, because he can’t make the football team. Fortune tells him, that he’s getting an education at Notre Dame. He states that playing football, is secondary to that. This statement sets Rudy’s priorities straight.

Rudy is a film that gives a certain perspective on life. It shows the dismal hard work of a steel mill. It gives a vivid picture of blue collar life. The most important thing is how life can be changed, if you work hard. The director also shows the contrast in life. The dismal steel mill life is presented and the bright happy atmosphere of Notre Dame is shown. It also has a few funny moments. There is one moment, when Rudy is talking to a priest, (Robert Proski). The priest thinks that Rudy wants to become a man of the cloth. Rudy has to explain his true goal.

The main highlight of this film, is Sean Astin. His portrayal of Rudy gives you a good feeling. He has inherited his acting abilities. His parents, Patty Duke and John Astin, were both actors. His mother was an academy award winner. This movie although entertaining, comes off as a recruitment tool for Notre Dame. The trick is to see past it, and just enjoy the film.

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