The Big Parade (1925) John Gilbert Renee Adoree Hobart Bosworth Claire McDowell Claire Adams Robert Ober Tom O’Brien Karl Dane Director-King Vidor

The war film wasn’t a staple of Hollywood until the Second World War. Its beginnings are rooted in The Big Parade. This movie takes place in World War One. The Great War wasn’t far from memory at the time of its release. It shows the excitement of soldiers to be going to war, and the bonds of friendship that develop. Its impact is in showing the horror of war.

The movie centers around a young man, James Apperson, (John  Gilbert).He is blue blood to the core. His father, (Hobart Bosworth), is an industrialist, who sees his son as a failure. He sees his son, Harry, (Robert Ober) as his heir apparent. James’ mother loves him dearly. He also has a fiancé, Justyn Reed, (Claire Adams). James’ life seems good from his perspective. It happens in life a lot, things change. This change is the entry of America into The Great War.

Mr. Apperson is happy for his company to contribute to the war effort. He knows his son Harry will make the family proud. He lectures his son, James to make something of himself. The Apperson patriarch, doesn’t realize his son will, but not the way he thinks. James, along with his friends, Bull and Slim, (Tom O’Brien and Karl Dane, join the army. Mr. Apperson is proud of his son. Mrs. Apperson, (Claire McDowell), is frightened by James choice.

James leaves his civilian life and endures the hardships of army life. He ships out and goes to France. It is here where reckless youth takes over. James and his buddies get into fights and break into wine cellars. It is while he is waiting on orders, that James meets Melisandre, (Renee Adoree). She melts his heart, and the two fall in love. This romance is torn asunder when James’s unit is called to the front. Renee desperately searches for her lover, running desperately through the street, looking for him. She finally finds him, clinging to him, until she falls in the street. She gets up and watches him leave, and then collapses, heartbroken.

James adolescence leaves very quickly, when he gets to the front. He finds manhood, fear and courage. He and his comrades in arms march against the German soldiers. The fighting intensifies, and many of James’ friends are killed or wounded, including James. He goes home and the war ends. His family is happy to see him. James realizes his life has radically changed. He no longer loves Justyn, and must go and search for Melisandre.

King Vidor wanted to do a realistic movie. He got one. It was written by a veteran of World War I, Marine Corps captain, Lawrence Stallings.  Vidor was given the cooperation of the U.S. government, borrowing vehicles and planes. The footage shot lends to the film’s realism. The most dramatic and heart wrenching scene is when James and Melisandre part. This scene is unforgettable, and it projects what must be felt when a man goes to war, and leaves behind his heart. Renee Adoree throws her heart and soul into this scene, burning it into audiences minds. King Vidor achieved his goal of not making a standard film. This movie became the highest grossing silent film.

John Gilbert became a big screen star after his appearance. His career was cut short because of drinking, and the advent of sound in movies. He died eight years after this movie, becoming one of so many former great stars. His costar, Renee Adoree, also became a star after the film’s release. She appeared in many films over the next five years. She retired because of tuberculosis, and died at age thirty five.

The Big Parade is a movie that is anti-war. Many films followed that theme. The movie gave audiences what they wanted, comedy and romance. It then hit them with the reality of war, not far removed from their collective memories. King Vidor desired to be more than another movie director. His vision of a major war film, was shared by production head, Irving Thalberg. It is this kind of thinking that allows great films to be made.


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