The Cincinnati Kid (1965) Starring: Steve McQueen Edward G. Robinson Ann Margaret Karl Malden Tuesday Weld Director-Norman Jewison

The Cincinnati Kid, is like many films made in Hollywood. It has a story that isn’t very strong, and weak supporting characters. The driving force behind the film are Steve McQueen and Edward G. Robinson. They play the Cincinnati Kid and Lancey Howard. McQueen and Robinson use their acting styles to great effect. Steve McQueen was a major star. Edward G. Robinson was an actor, beyond his prime, but was very effective as McQueen’s costar. They both played hard edged characters in their careers. Robinson was able to go beyond his early gangster roles, and become a very good actor. McQueen was able to graduate from television, and become The King of Cool.

The story takes place in New Orleans. The Cincinnati Kid is a poker player, drifting from game to game. He wins one game and the loser accuses him of cheating. He is confronted, but grabs a razor blade, and slices the loser’s face. He exits through a back alley. This is the kid’s life: always on the edge. A small private game is going to take place. The kid gets a seat at the table. This is through a casual friend, Shooter, (Karl Malden). He isn’t used well in this picture. It is too bad, because Malden can be solid support in most films. McQueen’s character is going against a few high stakes players, but they don’t last. It comes down to Lancey Howard and The Cincinnati Kid. Norman Jewison does do well, in getting the uncertain looks of McQueen and Robinson.

Lancey Howard is the big time gambler. He isn’t liked. A player, in the game, Slade, (Rip Torn), is upset that he lost. He wants the kid to win, because he can’t stand Lancey Howard’s smug attitude. He tells the kid, that the dealer, Shooter, will give him good cards. The Cincinnati Kid is upset at this. The kid if nothing else, is an honest man.He wants another dealer, and gets Ladyfingers, (Joan Blondell). He will rely on Lady Luck, for his fortune or loss.

The female supporting characters don’t do much.That is probably because the story revolves around a poker game. Ann Margaret is Melba, Shooter’s wife. She is mainly there to seduce Steve McQueen’s character. She does this, even though the kid’s girlfriend, Christian, (Tuesday Weld) has befriended her. Weld is ok in her role, but her acting range is limited. The best female supporting character is Ladyfingers. Joan Blondell has done well with her role. It is the type of character, that is interchangeable. She could be running a saloon in a western, or helping the P.I in a film noir.

The Cincinnati Kid is not Steve McQueen’s best film role. It is to his credit, that he can make it good. That is the main reason for viewing this movie. His actions at the table, and the way his character interacts with Edward G. Robinson’s Lancey Howard; who is the stereotypical gambler. The one thing to remember, is a film with Steve McQueen is made better, by his presence.

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