The Last Picture Show (1971) Starring: Jeff Bridges Timothy Bottoms Cloris Leachman Ben Johnson Cybill Shepard Ellen Burstyn Eileen Brennan Sam Bottoms Director-Peter Bogdanovich

It would be easy to dismiss The Last Picture Show. It’s main themes are adultery and adolescent sexual awakening. The main parts of any movie are what keeps it relevant. It has acting, directing and a good script. The story mainly follows the lives of teenagers in a small Texas town. The central characters revolve around Sam the Lion, (Ben Johnson). He is a proprietor of a pool hall, movie theater and a diner. Sam is the sage of wisdom and father figure to Sonny Crawford, (Timothy Bottoms) and Duane Jackson, (Jeff Bridges). The film also depicts loneliness, in the character of Ruth Popper, (Cloris Leachman). Johnson and Leachman were both veterans in Hollywood. Ben Johnson was a stuntman, and acted in a few John Ford westerns. He continued his work in Hollywood, and rightfully earned an Oscar for this film. Cloris Leachman was famous as Phyllis, on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. She won an Emmy for her portrayal. This came after her academy award for her role as Ruth Popper. These two actors keep this movie going with their performances.

The part of this film that deals with teenagers becoming adults works. It shows two friends in Sonny and Duane who have a fight over a woman, Jacy, (Cybill Shepherd). The character of Jacy is prominent in the sexual awakening part of the movie. She takes part in a naked pool party. This is an interesting, but probably unnecessary part of the film. She is also dissatisfied with the physical part of the relationship with Duane. She has sex with an older man, Abilene, (Clu Gulager). Afterward, Abilene discards her, upsetting Jacy. Later, showing her rebellious streak, and to get back at Duane, she marries Sonny. This is later annulled by her father.

After his fight with his best friend, Duane joins the army. It is when Duane comes home on leave, that Sonny makes a decision. He wants to reconcile before Duane ships out to Korea. They decide to see a movie at the theater. The movie is fittingly Red River. They are told by the owner, that the theater is closing. This, of course, gives the movie it’s name.

Peter Bognanovich, has done well adapting Larry McMurtry’s novel to the big screen. He has made life, in a small Texas town in the early fifties, come to life. The dialogue between Ben Johnson, Timothy Bottoms and Jeff Bridges’ characters stands out. The powerful scene between Ruth Popper and Sonny Crawford: who are having an extramarital affair, contributed to Cloris Leachman’s Oscar statuette. Ms. Leachman wanted to do the scene again. She didn’t like her performance. Bognavovich said no, stating correctly that she’d win the Oscar. It takes a lot for a director to work with younger people. Bogdanovich succeeded beyond anyone’s imagining. He captures the graduation practice well. He shows many faces. There are some sad, some bored and some happy. The director has also gotten good performances from minor players, Ellen Burstyn and Eileen Brennan. They play Lois Farrow,-Jacy’s, mom and Genevieve- the sassy advice dispensing waitress. She inherits the diner after Sam’s death.It is also interesting that he begins and ends the movie the same way. He pans across the Main Street of the town.

This is a typical film out of the seventies. It focuses heavily on character. It also gives us something else. That is sex and violence. This was pretty standard for the time. The black and white photography, gives the desired look and feel of the movie. The Last Picture Show is a standout in moviemaking. It is also an innovative idea, that Hollywood currently finds hard to duplicate.

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