The March of the Wooden Soldiers (1934) Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy Virginia Karns Charlotte Henry Felix Knight Henry Brandon

This movie imagines Mother Goose characters as having normal lives. They all live in a place of relative peace and harmony, called Toyland. Among the characters living here are Ollie Dee, (Oliver Hardy) and Stannie Dum, (Stan Laurel). This comedy team was at the height of their popularity, when they made this film. It isn’t quite a comedy, but the film allows the duo to get laughs. They behave in their typical comic way, which does lend greatly to the film.

Ollie and Stannie, are working in the toy factory, and renting a room from Mother Peep,(Florence Roberts). She is having a hard time making her mortgage. The note is held by Silas Barnaby, (Henry  Brandon). He isn’t happy, but says he’ll make a deal. This terrible deal is her daughter, Bo-Peep, (Charlotte Henry), marrying him. Both Mother Peep and Bo-Peep are horrified at this. Bo-Peep loves Tom-Tom, (Felix Knight),but reluctantly agrees.

Ollie and Stannie try to come up with a way to raise money. Unfortunately, they lose their jobs at the toy factory. This is because of a misunderstood toy order from Santa Claus. He asked for small scale wooden soldiers. Instead they were built to scale. It is when they come to life, that they destroy most of the shop. The two lovable buffoons do come up with a way to stop Barnaby from marrying Bo-Peep. They concoct a devious plan. They get Bo-Peep away. Then Stannie gets married to Silas Barnaby.

Barnaby is outraged. He frames Tom-Tom, for the murder of one of The Three Pigs. There is evidence. The pig was killed for his desirability as breakfast food; sausage in this case. Tom-Tom is sentenced to banishment in Bogeyland. This is a horrible place, inhabited by crocodiles and the terrifying bogeymen. This place of exile was created by Ed Brandenburg, Chris Christensen, and Charles Oelze. They also created the very charming look of Toyland. The frightening looks of the bogeymen, were created by James  Collins and Robert Cowan.

This is a movie involving some fantastical elements. This is why Stannie Dee and Ollie Dum, are able to prove Tom-Tom’s innocence. This is due to accidental detective work. Their method of investigation would not be employed by Sherlock Holmes. Tom-Tom’s release, sets the town against Silas Barnaby. He flees to Bogeyland, and sets the Bogeymen loose on the residents of Toyland. This causes Chaos among the residents. Will there be someone to save them?

This charming film, was engineered by Hal Roach. He was responsible for the massive success of Laurel and Hardy. They had a successful business relationship for many years. It was suggested by Stan Laurel that the movie be shot in color. Roach turned this down, because of the expense. The film was co-directed by Gus Means and Charley Rogers. The second half of the team, Charley Rogers, was good friends with Stan Laurel. They worked together in the music halls in England. Laurel worked with Charlie Chaplin in these same halls, before the latter became famous. Charley Rogers had worked on a few shorts with Laurel and Hardy. This helped to make March of the Wooden Soldiers, an entertaining film, that hasn’t lost it’s charm over the years.

Most films have an antagonist and a protagonist. The villain is almost always the character in the spotlight. Silas Barnaby is no exception. A fine job is done by Henry Brandon in this role. He was twenty seven at the time of this film. It was his first movie role. His character is an old man who is hunched over and walks with a cane. Brandon was the tallest person in the cast, and was forced to do this, so he didn’t overshadow the other actors. Hal Roach was looking for an older actor. He was at first upset. It was with makeup and Henry Brandon’s natural ability that kept Roach happy. Brandon’s presence helps a great deal. He is a great bad guy and got acting work for decades.  This film succeeds on every level that it takes to make a movie.

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