The Misfits (1960) Starring:Clark Gable Marilyn Monroe

This movie stars two film legends, Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe. It was based on a magazine story by the famous playwright, Arthur Miller. It was adapted into a screenplay, for his then wife, Marilyn Monroe, adding the character of Rosalyn Taber. In the film, Monroe is a newly divorced woman, who falls for an older cowboy, Gay Langland, played by Clark Gable. The couple get along well, riding horses and going swimming. They even set up housekeeping in a home owned by his friend Guido, played by Eli Wallach. It’s when Rosalyn goes on a roundup with Gay, Guido, and another friend, Perce Holland, played by Montgomery Clift, that her feelings change. She is appalled by how the cowboys round up the horses, and offers them money to stop. They don’t take it, and Marilyn Monroe shouts at them in disgust, and walks away. Perce, who is attracted to Rosalyn, frees the horses, but Gay rounds up the stallion and brings it down. He later releases it, but only does it because he wants to, not because of Rosalyn. The couple resolve their differences, and ride off into the sunset.

Clark Gable was once given the title, The King of Hollywood. When he made The Misfits, he was overshadowed by bigger box office draws, but he still found steady employment. The main reason for this was, he was a terrific actor. It very evident in this movie. His character Gay, breaks down, when he finds out his children left, before meeting Rosalyn. He has good screen chemistry with Marilyn Monroe, particularly when he argues with her about killing a rabbit and rounding up horses. He doesn’t have a stunt double when rounding up the horses, and you can see his efforts in the climactic scene. It is very sad that Gable died not long after making this film. He was a fine actor, who probably could have made quality films for years.

Marilyn Monroe’s portrayal of Rosalyn Taber in this film is a departure from her blonde bombshell roles. She plays a tender loving and caring woman. She keeps Gable’s character from slowly dying. She brings him and the other cowboys back to life. Her scene when she is yelling at the cowboys for their cruel treatment of the horses, and slowly fades into the background, shows her acting range. The scenes with her and Clark Gable, falling in love, are very enjoyable. She has some good scenes with Isabelle Steers, played by Thelma Ritter. Her naïveté about divorce and western traditions, like rodeos, are shown. It was her last movie performance and it was a good one.

John Huston directed The Misfits, and it is a solid effort, on his part. This is particularly evident in the climactic roundup scenes. You can see the effort that is required to get them right. Marilyn Monroe’s dancing scene with a tree is entertaining. Her scene when she yells at the cowboys, for their cruelty, and fades into the background, shows that she is being ignored. There is also a scene, when Rosalyn opens the bedroom closet, and pictures of Marilyn Monroe are taped on the inside. Huston did make better films than this, but it is still stands up.

Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe both made better films than The Misfits, but as their cinematic swan song, its a good one. It is great to watch them on screen together. It’s also somewhat sad, knowing this was it for them. This film should be watched by any film lover, because of their acting abilities and onscreen personas.

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