The Quiet Man (1952) Starring:John Wayne Maureen O’Hara Victor McGlagen Barry Fitzgerald Ward Bond Director-John Ford

The Quiet Man was part of a deal from Republic pictures. John Ford made his famous cavalry trio for the studio.The studio produced his film about Ireland. It was a film that took years to come to fruition. It paid off big for John Ford. He won his fourth academy award. This assured him his place in film history.

It is a simple tale about a retired American boxer, Sean Thornton, (John Wayne). He has traveled to the Irish village of Innisfree. This is where he was born. He wishes to live a happy life in the village. He finds love with Mary Kate Donaher, (Maureen O’Hara). The happiness that Thornton seems to find is sidetracked, by Squire (Red) Will Donaher, (Victor McGlagen). Donaher is upset that Thornton bought the land that he wanted. He is a constantly badgering Sean Thornton. Their dispute is finally settled with a knock down drag out brawl, across the countryside.

The Quiet Man is a wonderful story, set in Ireland. The Emerald Isle lives up to it’s name. Its beauty is shown through the lens of Winston C. Hoch. He won an academy award for his work on this picture. He shows it’s beautiful green hills, and the village with his amazing talent. The Quiet Man would not work as well without his stunning photography.

This film has the benefit of two big Hollywood stars, in John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara. The two had great on screen chemistry in this film. The also had Irish ancestry. Wayne was half Irish and O’Hara was 100% Celtic. John Ford always brought out the best in his actors. He didn’t have the best professional aura about him. He often bullied his actors, particularly Wayne. Duke, usually ignored him. One of the best scenes of the film, shows Wayne and O’Hara at their best. They are in a graveyard, and caught in a thunderstorm. Wayne’s character, tenderly embraces Mary Kate. No words are spoken, but they don’t need to be. It shows their deep love for each other. These two wonderful actors, had a deep respect for each other. They made six films together, and deserve to be placed alongside other screen couples: like Tracy and Hepburn and Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor.

John Wayne’s antagonist in this movie, is Victor McGloglen. His character of Will Danaher, embodies the fighting spirit of Ireland. The audience never reviles him. This is mainly because of how he is portrayed: a gruff man, who doesn’t like an outsider, taking what he believes is his. Victor McGlogen had many memorable roles. He recently was the comic relief in the cavalry trilogy. He goes head to head with Wayne in The Quiet Man. He manages to keep the rough edges, but has established a very lasting film character.

The Quiet Man is able to bring Inisfree to life, with its colorful characters. One of them is Michaleen Oge Flynn, played masterfully by Barry Fitzgerald. He is first introduced, when he takes Sean Thornton, to the village from the train station. Thornton, in a comical scene, can’t seem to get directions to the village, from the railway crew. Flynn is an integral part of village life. His character gives advice and speaks philosophically, to anyone who listens, mainly in the pub. Another character, is Father Pete, played by Ward Bond. Bond was one of John Ford’s stock players, and John Wayne’s best friend. Bond’s Father Pete, is frustrated by Will Donaher’s stubbornness. His main way of relieving stress, is fishing. He seems to be on the verge of catching his prize fish, but is interrupted, by others. This is comically shown when Mary Kate, attempts to help the good father, reel in the big fish. Father Pete has a deep respect for Reverend Cyril Playfair, (Arthur Shields), Barry Fitzgerald’s brother. Shields has an excellent scene, with Wayne. He knows Thornton’s former occupation, and encourages him to forge ahead. Father Pete encourages his parishioners to cheer like Protestants, when Reverend Playfair drives by with the bishop, (Philip Stanton). John Ford also cast his brother, Francis, as a village elder, DanTobin. Ford owed his brother, a silent film star, a debt. It was Francis, who brought him to Hollywood. Francis Ford proves he still has the ability to entertain in this movie.

There were so many things that make The Quiet Man a good movie. It was John Ford’s perseverance and skill behind the camera; that brought his dream to life on screen. He completed a trilogy of classic westerns. Ford then brings love and beauty to life with this film. He shows Mary Kate as a humble shepherdess catching the eye of Sean Thornton. He gives Thornton’s backstory a short time, but its effective. These are just a few that stand out. Ford liked shooting on location. He must have been in seventh heaven, filming in his beloved Ireland. He gets the most out of his two male stars, filming the climactic fight scene. It is done to perfection, and shows the villagers cheering their guy. This scene is very amusing, especially when the police call their boss. The police ask for reinforcements. They receive instructions to place a bet on the fight. John Ford achieved his dream making this film. His most impressive achievement, is to give John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara, their best film together.

It is refreshing to watch The Quiet Man. It is a film that shows peace achieved through struggle. It shows love conquering all, even Squire Donaher. The best thing is that John Ford and his terrific actors, have given the film audience; a beautiful story, set in his beloved Ireland.

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