The Red Stallion (1947) Director-Leslie Selander Starring-Jane Darwell Ted Donaldson Andy McBride Noreen Nash

Jane Darwell starred in many films. She is mostly famous for her academy award winning role as Ma Joad, in The Grapes of Wrath. She plays a matronly figure in The Red Stallion, Mrs. Aggie Curtis. The chief difference is her character does fall on hard times, but it is a feel good story.

Aggie Curtis, has a grandson, living with her, Joel Curtis, (Ted Donaldson). Joel’s life revolves around the mare, he raised, when its mother died. This is shown in flashback. His happy life takes a bad turn, when his grandmother, is unable to pay back money owed on her property. This loan is about to be called by Perry Barton, (Ray Collins). After some deliberation, Mrs. Curtis decides the only thing of value, is Joel’s horse. He and Andy McBride, (Robert Paige), have trained him to race.

Joel is told he must sell his mare. He is heartbroken, and takes him to the ranch, owned by Ellen Reynolds, (Noreen Nash). It is agreed that the horse will be sold at auction. The horse is bought by Richard Moresby, (Pierre Watkin). Joel is upset at parting with his horse. He takes off with it, but is later found. Mr. Moresby is persuaded to let Joel ride the horse in a big race. Moresby agrees and of course Joel wins the race. Moresby decides that he and Joel will be 50/50 partners. Everybody is happy, including Andy McBride and Ellen Reynolds who have fallen in love.

The Red Stallion plays like a Disney film. There is nothing wrong with that. It is a great film for the family. The performances of Jane Darwell and Ted Donaldson, help this movie a great deal. It is a predictable movie, but you will come away feeling good after watching it.

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