The Top Ten Christmas Movies: The Best Sequel

Christmas movies are enjoyable to watch. They can revolve around the holiday, have nothing to do with it that is essential to the plot, or use it as a plot device. It takes thinking and a critical eye to make a list of films. A Christmas top ten movie list is different from a regular top ten. A regular list usually consists of a genre. Some lists contain movies people have watched. Some are more obscure. A Christmas top ten, contains movies that have been seen by millions. They aren’t causing major discussions like other lists do. Film fans won’t debate them for hours. They will if they haven’t seen a film or two, try to watch it during the holiday. It is again time for your humble critic’s annual list.

10. Trapped in Paradise (1994)

What would it be like if The Three Stooges robbed a bank? It would be the plot of this movie. Two recently paroled brothers, Dave and Alvin Firpo,  Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey are placed in their brother  Bill’s custody. He is played by Nicolas  Cage. The brothers con their their straight as an arrow brother, into robbing a bank in the small town of Paradise Pennsylvania. This bank is targeted for a Christmas Eve robbery. The crime is pulled off successfully. The challenge is getting out of the town.

They are smothered with kindness by the owner of the bank and his family, after their getaway car crashes during a blizzard and they are rescued. They are desperate to leave trying desperate measures. This includes stealing a sleigh, trying to outrun the police. This is a very comical scene. Their desperation mounts as they can’t get transportation because all roads are closed. They resort to using a rowboat, but panic ensues when they see a police helicopter. They can’t escape the town, because of weather circumstances and the overwhelming kindness of the residents of Paradise.

The movie is a silly comedy, but is enhanced  by comic performances by Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey. Lovitz’s character is a pathological liar and Carvey’s is a kleptomaniac. Nicolas Cage is forced to play straight man, and does well. There is also Ma Firpo. She is played by Florence Stanley. The actress character has no fear, even when she is kidnapped by crooks with a grudge against Dave Firpo.

Trapped in Paradise was written and directed by George Gallo. He had previously worked with Robert Deniro and Danny Devito , giving him comedy experience. This probably explains why Nicolas Cage is good in the movie as the straight man. This movie may not put you in the Christmas mood. It may cheer you if you have the Christmas blues.

9. The Polar Express (2004)

This film has become the modern day White Christmas. It is shown every year on television many times. It is ablaze with color. The movie, like White Christmas, also had an experimental technique. Bing Crosby’s starring vehicle had Vista Vision. The Polar Express had 3D motion capture techniques. This got the actors physical performances on film. The actor’s physical forms were then animated. The movie like White Christmas was a box office success.

The movie is based on the children’s book written by Chris Van Ellsberg. It tells the story of children who have lost belief in Santa Claus. They are taken on a journey to The North Pole, by a train. The conductor, (Tom Hanks), takes them on this special and magical journey. One of the children is named Hero Boy-Daryl Sabara- voice. He forms a bond with the conductor, and helps him get out of dangerous situations. Another child is Hero Girl, -Nona Gaye, voice.She isn’t as pessimistic as the others. She doesn’t even turn in Hero Boy, when he accidentally loses her ticket. There is like most movies, an annoying character. That is Know it All, (Eddie Deezen), voice. He can tell everything about what type of train the children are riding. He knows nearly everything. The only thing he doesnt know is when to keep quiet. He even loudly complains about last year’s Christmas present.

It is said that the fun of the journey is in getting there. During the journey the train passes a department store with toys displayed in the window. The children are in awe. There is the caribou crossing, which almost stops the journey. It is one of the fascinating scenes in this movie. The train also goes down the biggest incline in the world. It is like being on a natural rollercoaster. There is also the scene when The Polar Express gets caught on ice.

The average person might think, why would a children’s book make a good Christmas movie. The very unique and charming tale, makes for a good film narrative. The filming technique brings it to life. Tom Hanks plays several characters, that include adult Hero Boy Santa Claus and the hobo. Robert Zemekis helmed the film. This was a difficult task, since it wasn’t a traditional movie. He was a professional and directed many successful films and won an Oscar. The Polar Express was a risky venture, but it paid off for all involved.

8. Gremlins (1984)

This movie won’t have people gathering after Christmas dinner to watch it. That may be its appeal. It features young people at Christmas trying to do traditional things. These things are interrupted by perhaps the most traditional, gift giving. It is a gift that keeps on giving, in the most bizarre way possible.

A well meaning inventor, Randall Peltzer, (Hoyt Axton), wants to give his son a gift. He decides not on a car or fashionable clothes or even cash. He doesn’t even give his son a puppy. He does give him an animal of sorts, a Mogwai. He has to use strong negotiating techniques to get it from Granfather, (Key Luke). The animal comes with a strong warning. Do not give it water, feed it after midnight or expose it to bright light. Dad presents Gizmo to his son, Billy, (Zach Galligan). After a slight accident, Billy cleans up Gizmo, getting him wet. This cause the creature to reproduce. The sad fact is that the creatures aren’t cute and furry. They become little demons, getting hold of food and sunlight.

They drive Zach and his mother, (Nancy Carol), out of the house. Some of the gremlins meet untimely grisly ends while in the house. They also use Gizmo as a dart board. These very disturbing and bloodthirsty creatures take over the town, which includes the movie theater and the bar. Kate, (Phoebe Cates), Zach’s girlfriend, works in the tavern, Dorry’s. She is held captive by the gremlins until Zach rescues her. She also tells Zach a disturbing story about why she doesn’t like Christmas. Once away from the menacing creatures, Zach comes up with a plan to get rid of them. They have infested every major business, and are enjoying watching Snow White in the town’s theater. The plan is a dangerous one, but it could get rid of the creatures.

This movie was directed by Joe Dante. He was responsible for bringing a new kind of werewolf to the movies, with The Howling. He has with his camerawork, succeeded in giving audiences a scare involving a sacred holiday. Hoyt Axton is primarily away from town during the movie. He is attending an inventor’s convention, which features a cameo by Robby the Robot. His character does lend comic relief to the movie.

Gremlins doesn’t invite debate on what type of film it is. It is not like The Nightmare Before Christmas. That movie can be either something to view on Halloween or Christmas. Gremlins can be watched at anytime. It is not your father’s Christmas movie.

7. The Santa Clause 2 (2002)

The Santa Clause made money, lots of it. The logical step in Hollywood is make a sequel. This was done, again featuring Tim  Allen in the lead role. The main cast also returns with Eric  Lloyd as Charlie, David Krumholtz as Bernard, Judge Reinhold as Neil  Miller and Wendy Crewson as Laura Miller. The jolly old elf makes his return, with some new twists.

Scott Calvin has gotten  comfortable in his role as Santa. He is given news that he must get married to continue as universal gift giver. His search for a wife means that he goes back to looking like Scott Calvin. He doesn’t have initial success in the dating world. His troubles are magnified when his son Charlie is caught vandalizing school property. The principal of the school, Carol, (Elizabeth  Mitchell), meets with Scott. He realizes there is a special attraction, even though Carol doesn’t feel it. She reluctantly goes on a date with him. Scott manages to soften her heart at a faculty Christmas party. The party feels more like a wake. Scott despite looking like his old self, is still Santa. He puts presents under the tree that the teachers wanted when they were children. This includes Carol. Scott tells her who he really is. It shouldn’t take much for her to figure out Scott’s true identity. He picks her up for a date on a sleigh.

Time is running out for Scott/Santa. Their is also a big problem at the northern most part of the world. The elves decided Santa should have a double, while he was away searching for a mate. He seemed perfect, down to the laugh. There is unfortunately an imperfection. The duplicate has become a megalomaniac. He has taken over the pole and thinks all children are bad, and should get coal. This not so jolly elf has taken the sleigh and reindeer, to make all children unhappy. It is up to Scott to save Christmas.

The Santa Clause 2 entertains and shows Santa’s human side. The movie is enhanced by the performance of Elizabeth Mitchell. She makes this into more than a movie about the big guy’s problems. She gives quite a transformation as an all business educator to a woman transformed by love. The screenplay is also an original one. It would be hard to beat the concept of the original, but the writers have. The sets of the North Pole are well done by Tony Burrough. They can make you believe in mass production of toys at the far north. This movie is a Christmas gem.

6. Beyond Tomorrow (1940)

This is a different take on the holiday. It has its ups and downs. The most interesting thing is the movie deals with the supernatural, particularly ghosts. These spirits revolve around a love story, which they helped to create. The director, A. Edward Sutherland, had his roots in comedy. He worked with Laurel and Hardy and W. C. Fields. The movie although charming in parts, isn’t a comedy. It does take place in part at Christmas.

Three wealthy men, decide to invite three people to dinner on Christmas Eve. Two of the three show up, James  Houston, (Richard Carlson) and Jean Lawrence, (Jean Parker). The two enjoy dinner and each other’s company. They fall in love, spending as much time as possible together. This makes the three men, George Melton, Allan Chadwick and Michael O’Brien, very happy. The three industrialists are played by Harry Carey, C. Aubrey Smith and Charles Winninger. The couple’s love has given these cynical men a better perspective. The couple loves the company of the elderly gentlemen. Unfortunately sometimes happiness is fleeting in life.

The three men must go on a business trip by plane. Their loving and faithful maid, urges them not to go. She seems to have an ability to see bad things.The men brush off her gift of seeing the future, and say they’ll be back in a few days. Sadly their plane crashes, and there are no survivors. This devastates everyone, including the men. They must come to grips that they are now spirits wandering the earth.

The men realize their situation. They stay at their mansion for awhile. Eventually, the spirits of George Melton and Allan Chadwick leave.  Michael O’Brien stays. This is mainly to try to keep the young couple together. James Houston has become a famous singer. This is with the help of Arlene Terry, (Helen Vinson). She wants to be with James and Michael will do everything in his spiritual power to stop her and keep James and Jean together.

One of the people in this movie is Maria Ouspenskaya. She plays Madam Tanya. She looks out for the elderly men. They appreciate her service. They show their appreciation by giving her a fur coat for Christmas. She admires it in the mirror, with the men looking on unknown to her. This is one of the most touching scenes in the movie. The actress became famous playing Maleva the gypsy woman guiding Lon Chaney on his thorny path in The Wolfman and Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman. Richard Carlson and Jean  Parker are good in their leads. This despite the fact that they are overshadowed by well meaning spirits. Carlson would later appear in a few well known science fiction films. The most famous being Creature From the Black Lagoon. Jean Parker acted in movies and television for many years. She even performed on Broadway in the hit show Born Yesterday.  Beyond Tomorrow is a very different movie, but it does entertain and tugs at the heartstrings.

5. Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938)

This is the continuation of the many films featuring Andy  Hardy, played very convincingly by Mickey Rooney. Lewis Stone plays Judge James Hardy. The judge must make hard decisions in his courtroom, as well as in his home. Fay Holden is Mrs. Hardy and Cecilia Parker is Marian Hardy. The movie stars Judy Garland as next door neighbor, Betsy. Lana Turner also appears as Cynthia. This movie gave audiences their first long look at the future star.

Andy Hardy needs money for a final payment on a used car. His friend, Beezy, (George P. Breakston) will give him the needed cash. Andy will have to take care of Beezy’s girl, Cynthia, while he’s away. She is beautiful and Andy must fend off her advances, since his girlfriend, Polly, (Anne Rutherford) wouldn’t like it. Cynthia and Polly both want to go to the dance. The new girl in town, Betsy also wants to go. Andy being a teenage boy, can’t make a decision. He ends up having a date with all three for the country club Christmas dance. That’s not the only problem. Mrs. Hardy’s mother has taken ill. She must abandon her family, and attend to her. Judge Hardy must hire a cook. She takes charge and bruises Marian Hardy’s ego, about her bad coffee.

Andy talks to his father about his girl problem. His father gives him advice. He also ponders about what is in store for Andy’s generation. He doesn’t have a crystal ball, but the future isn’t bright. World War 2 is just a year away. Andy with some scheming from Betsy, loses Cynthia. His girlfriend doesn’t want to go with him. He ends up with Betsy, who becomes the belle of the ball. She can sing. She gives the attendees the songs Meet the Beat of My Heart and It Never Rains But What it Pours. She is then invited by the bandleader, to lead the procession. She does this arm in arm with Andy. They leave in Andy’s car. His father, impressed by his son’s behavior, gave him the final payment. Even though Andy has had a great Christmas Eve, he still hopes to make things right with Polly.

Love Finds Andy Hardy is a movie that is perfect for the time. It shows a hard working America. It shows a strong  authority figure in Judge Hardy. Mickey Rooney is great playing a typical misguided but well intentioned teenager. Judy Garland’s movie career skyrocketed after this movie. She starred in one of the most famous movies of all time, The Wizard of Oz. Her and Rooney became for a time, America’s screen sweethearts, appearing together in several films. One of the writers of this film was Carey Wilson. This is a good story, and Wilson despite being a favorite of Louis B. Mayer, isn’t a well known Hollywood scribe. He has a claim to fame that keeps his name alive. He was one of the founders of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The achievement of Love Finds Andy Hardy is that it is a very entertaining Christmas movie.

4. A Christmas Carol (1938)

This is the slightly sanitized MGM version of the Charles Dickens novel. It stars Reginald Owen in the title role. He was a British actor, who was not the first choice to play Ebenezer Scrooge. The  first choice was Lionel Barrymore. He was playing the character on the radio for several years. He was making a movie and broke his hip. He suggested his friend, Owen for the lead. It was a good choice.

The plot of the film is of Scrooge’s transformation. He is a man with no true feeling or much conscience. He treats his employee, Bob Cratchit terribly. He is played well by Gene Lockhart. Cratchit, despite working for the model for labor reform, is happy. Scrooge’s nephew, Fred, (Barry Mackay), is also happy despite his poverty. This is something Scrooge doesn’t understand, nor his engagement to Bess, (Lynn Carver). Some of the best dialogue is between Fred and his Uncle Scrooge. Fred can’t understand why his uncle hates Christmas. The reasons are later found out. The best way to see Scrooge’s lack of character, is his exchange with the two men taking up a collection for the poor. His distaste for giving money to the less fortunate is made clear to them.

Scrooge’s lack of feeling and compassion, for his fellow man, give him a restless night. He is visited by his partner Jacob Marley; (Leo G. Carroll), seven years dead. He is told of spirits that will visit him during the night. They do. The ghosts of Christmas Past, (Anne Rutherford), Christmas Present, (Lionel Braham) and Christmas Future, (D’arcy Corrigan). They all haunt and torture Scrooge. Anne Rutherford’s spirit seems to delight in showing Scrooge his past and telling him about what an evil greedy man he is. The spirits leave and make an impression. The old miser after waking must try to fix his mistakes.

The movie versions of A Christmas Carol, before and after this one, were a bit harsher. This take was a very successful movie. There were changes. Scrooge’s nephew is given a larger role. His character is what Scrooge may have been. That is if the miser had turned the other cheek, when life slapped him in the face. Barry MacKay gives a fine turn as Fred. He even gives us comedy, when he slides on the ice. He even lets Tiny Tim, (Terry Killburn), hop on his back for an ice slide. This movie even has the Cratchits played by a real life acting family, the Lockharts. There was Gene and his wife, Kathleen. There was also young June, in her first film role. It is an accomplishment by the studio head, Louis B. Mayer, to get this adaptation to screen in a short time. It was released in December. The movie does bring forth the main theme of the novel. A message that redemption is possible for all. There is also Tiny Tim, saying, “God bless us everyone”.

3. Holiday Affair (1949)

This movie, unlike many Christmas movies, was released on Christmas Eve. It stars Robert Mitchum and  Janet Leigh. Mitchum had been around Hollywood for several years. He found work, but never a defining role. His reputation was damaged by an arrest and imprisonment for drug possession. It was hoped that this romance would help his career. Janet Leigh was an up and coming star, looking for the right movie.

Robert Mitchum plays Steve Mason, a department store employee. Janet Leigh is Connie Ennis, a widow trying to make ends meet. She is a comparison shopper. She works for another store and lets them know about their competition. Steve Mason knows what she is doing. He doesn’t report her to his boss. This leads to his being fired. He doesn’t bear a grudge against Connie. Steve falls for her.

Connie will be a difficult lady for Steve to pursue. She is seeing a successful, but boring attorney, Carl Davis, (Wendell Corey). Connie likes Carl for his status. She really isn’t over her late husband. Carl is not only a dull guy, but is not good with children. Connie has a son, Timmy. He doesn’t like Carl and nothing he does can change that fact.

This opens the door for Steve. He keeps popping up in Connie’s life. He has a good relationship with her son. He even gets him the train that he wants for Christmas. Connie tries hard to go to the reality of marrying Carl. He has proposed to her and she says she will let him know. She has dinner with her former in-laws, Mr. and Mrs. Ennis, -Griff Barnett and Esther Dale. She is awed by the love they have for each other. She hopes that she can love someone like that. She realizes that someone is probably not Carl. This realization comes quickly to Carl during Christmas dinner. Steve was invited by Timmy to dinner. Steve, at dinner admits his love for Connie. She asks Steve to leave, which he does. It is later that Carl understands their is no true feeling from Connie for him. He states his case to her much like he would in court to a jury. She understands and decides it’s best not to get married. It just remains for her to see true love and try to get together with Steve.

Holiday Affair didn’t succeed at the box office. It does tell a good Christmas story. Robert Mitchum was able to expand his career. He worked with some of Hollywood’s biggest actresses, Marilyn Monroe, Shirley MacLaine and Deborah Kerr among them. He proved with this movie, that he could be a romantic lead. He did nearly every genre, and was never typecast. Janet Leigh became a star and for a time had a nearly fairy tale marriage with Tony Curtis . She was persuaded by Alfred Hitchcock, to become the most famous murder victim in motion pictures.

Movies sometimes surprise. This film was directed by Don Hartman. He didn’t direct many movies. He did more as a writer. He wrote several of the Hope/Crosby road movies. He played Andy Hardy before Mickey Rooney. He played the character on Broadway, in the play, Skidding. He was also a successful songwriter. All of these skills helped him to craft a very entertaining Christmas movie.

2. Cover Up

Do you want noir for Christmas? This is the movie for you. The script was cowritten by the star Dennis O’Keefe. It also stars William Bendix. He was known primarily for the radio show, The Life of Riley. He is a perfect fit as a small town sheriff. Many films that are noir are often dark in tone. They usually don’t take place around Christmas. This one dares to be different and does.

Dennis O’Keefe is an insurance investigator, named Sam Donovan. He has come to a small town to ask questions about a resident, who was a suicide. He asks around and doesn’t get direct answers. The only information he gets is that the dead man wasn’t liked. Many say that his death was the best thing that happened to the town. Donovan thinks something isn’t right. He goes to Sheriff Larry Best, (William Bendix). He doesn’t like questions about a suicide. He reluctantly cooperates, to a point.

Donovan arrived on a bus, with a young lady, Anita Weatherby, (Barbara Britton). She is attracted to him, and he is to her. She invites him to enjoy Christmas, with her family. Her father, Art is a prominent citizen of the town. They fall in love through the magic of Christmas. The only thing that may pull them apart is where Sam  Donovan’s investigation leads.

This movie shows a small town at Christmas. The happiness of the residents is interrupted with bad news. The beloved town doctor suddenly passes away. He would light the Christmas tree in the town square every year. The late doctor later sheds light posthumously on the mysterious suicide. Film noir has a tendency to be confusing. This one follows the trend. The acting by Dennis O’Keefe is superb. William Bendix as the pipe smoking, somewhat arrogant sheriff shines. Barbara Britton is very good in a scene where she tries to protect her father. The patriarch, Stu Weatherby, is played well by Art Baker. He was a host of a radio show, called People Are Funny. His role as the father, was familiar to the actor. He was often cast as an authority figure or other prominent leader roles. Dennis O’Keefe wrote the script specifically with Christmas being featured. The producers did not want a Christmas theme. He fought with them and the holiday stayed in the picture. It is good that it did. The happiness of the holiday contrasts with the theme of death. It may not be the best film noir ever made. Cover Up does make for a very engrossing Christmas film.

1. Holiday Inn (1942)

This is technically not a Christmas movie. It is the one film that is set apart by a song, White Christmas. It is the most recorded song in history. This song about loneliness at Christmas, was written by Irving Berlin. He was a man who would become the most famous songwriter of all. He was a Jewish man who wrote the most famous of all Christmas songs. There was another song , meant to be sung by Bing Crosby. He liked White Christmas and the rest they say is history. The song won Berlin the academy award.

This movie had hit written all over it. Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire were the stars. They were the two biggest song and dance men at the time. Bing Crosby was a movie and recording star. Fred Astaire with Ginger Rogers made ballroom dancing a big deal, making several movies together. The two play Jim Hardy and Ted Hanover. They are a top act, until they break up, because because Fred steals Jim’s girlfriend, Lila, (Virginia Dale). Jim decides he wants to leave show business. He buys a farm, but he is not cut out for agricultural life. He has a breakdown, and is hospitalized. It is while there, that he comes up with an idea. He will turn his farm into an inn, that is only open on holidays. He teams up with a talented woman, Linda  Mason, (Marjorie Reynolds). The inn becomes successful. Jim sings White Christmas, at the piano with Linda. Ted Hanover returns on New Year’s Eve, without Lila. She has left him for a rich man. One of the highlights of the movie is a drunken Ted, being held up by Linda on the dance floor. Its very amusing. Ted moves into the inn, and together they reform their act along with Linda. It becomes so successful that Hollywood comes calling. They want to make a movie about Holiday Inn. Jim is happy with things the way they are. He tries hard to keep Linda away from Tinseltown. She learns about his scheming, and it angers her. She goes west to film the movie with Ted. Jim is persuaded by his housekeeper, Mamie, (Louise Beavers), to close up the inn, and follow Linda.

Holiday Inn could have been a mediocre movie with a spectacular song. It became more because of its unique story. The back and forth between Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire is great. What is even better is watching these two top notch entertainers, on the silver screen, working their magic. It was the right decision to cast these two fine actors. What would Christmas be without this movie?

It is never an easy thing to come up with a top ten list. It is very difficult finding movies that are worthy of a Christmas top ten list.  It can be hard finding the words to write about the movies. It does become a little easier each year. Many people probably like the standard Christmas films. This list had some standards. There are also some very different ones, like Gremlins and Trapped in Paradise. It is said that variety is the spice of life. This list may contain a favorite, or one you haven’t seen. Watch the one or others that you may have missed. You may like them. Your critic did. That is why they made the list. Enjoy the movies and have a very Merry Christmas.


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