The Top Ten Christmas Movies:The Sequel

There are too many movies about Christmas to name. There are some that stand out. There was a top ten last year. This year’s list, is to put ten more films in the quality Christmas movie category. Anyone who may have disagreed with last year’s entries, may find a favorite, this year. The best thing about a movie list, is watching many films. It’s a fun way to make the final list.

10. Arthur Christmas (2011)

Despite what many believe, Santa Claus is many men over the years. This is shown through pictures hanging on a wall at the North Pole. Santa’s operation has become very high tech, with para military elf teams delivering toys, through a GPS. The elves and the bearded guy, have a sleigh. This particular sleigh, is somewhere between a military jet, and a space shuttle. Santa (Jim Broadbent), has completed another mission,{delivery}. He is greeted with applause by everyone. It is discovered, that one little girl, didn’t get her bike. Santa is distressed by this. His eldest son, Steve, (Hugh Laurie), dismisses the oversight. Santa himself, doesn’t want this blot on the proud legacy of the dynasty. He doesn’t know what to do. Arthur, Santa’s youngest son, (James McAvoy), insists the bike be delivered. Nobody pays attention to him. He is a bumbler, and has been tucked away, in the letter department. His job is answering the letters to his father.

Grandsanta, (Bill Nighy), has come up with a plan. He takes his old no frills sleigh, and departs with the bike. He also has Arthur and Bryony, (Ashley Jensen) an elf, along. These three have quite an adventure. They get totally lost. This is mainly because, Grandsanta, is not totally coherent and somewhat ego driven. He has also brought retired reindeer; whose natural navigation abilities, are not like they were. Fortunately the crew delivers the bike, with help from Santa and Steve. Grandsanta, is happy, because his ego is satisfied. Santa is happy because he can retire on a good note. Steve, (the heir apparent), is delighted, because his efforts, all but guarantee his ascension to the big guy’s position. Arthur is gleaming, because a child has been delivered her wished for toy. When Santa sees Arthur’s pure enthusiasm and delight, he realizes he has a true successor. This decision doesn’t upset Steve, because he is made CEO of North Pole operations. Santa happily retires with Mrs. Santa, (Imelda Staunton), and Grandsanta, knowing that Arthur will make children happy on Christmas.

Arthur Christmas is an animated film, that deserves its place on the list. It has a wonderful charm, all its own. Many Christmas films have been made, but it has humor and warmth, that set it apart.

9. A Christmas Tree Miracle (2013)

Everyone should know what Christmas means. There may be some who think its about getting nice gifts. Those who are in the latter category, should see A Christmas Tree Miracle. It hammers home the real meaning of the holiday. It also makes a firm point, about the meaning of life.

This film has a narrator. It is Nina George, (Siomha Kenney). She is the youngest member of the George family. She is a little girl who plays the cello. Nina is the heart and soul of the family. Her family consists of David George, the father, (Kevin Sizemore), the mother, (Julie), Claudia Esposito, Nick, (Barrett Carnahan) and Natalie, (Emily Capehart). Their lives are as good as they can be. This is because of David George’s job as a land developer. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. David loses his job. The family loses little things, first. Nick, can’t go to a good college. Julie has to economize in the kitchen. The family’s cell phone service is terminated. Things don’t get better. The family loses their house, and are forced to live in a hotel. Julie George, because of the family’s situation, must go to a food pantry, with her son, for basic staples. She is seen by her friends. One of them, tells the others, that Julie volunteers; saving Julie’s pride.

It is when the family cant sink any lower, that fortune smiles on them. This comes in the form of a man named Henry Banks, (Terry Kaiser). David George meets him in a coffee shop. This is after an unproductive meeting with Senator John Cutter, (Michael Guy Allen), about a job. Henry Banks remembered a kind deed, that David did for him, a year before. David explains to Henry, his bad luck. Henry Banks tells him that he has a Christmas tree farm, and a house with plenty of room. He tells David that all he wants in return, is some work on the farm. David agrees, and tells his family. They hesitantly agree. The most puzzling thing to the family, is that Henry Banks, gives away his trees. He does this in memory of his late wife, who loved Christmas. The family realizes that honest hard work, never hurt anyone, and is made the better for it.

The family has found something it didn’t have before. They have found purpose and fulfillment. David George, wants his old life. He remembers that Senator Cutter, said he could have a job, if he brought him a land deal. He talks to Henry Banks, about selling his farm. He says he will never sell. Death comes to all of us. That is the case with Henry Banks. Banks, having no living relatives, deeds the farm, to the George family.

Senator Cutter finds out about the land transfer. He brings in a land developer. The family doesn’t want to sell. The senator is unmoved. The developer, unlike Senator Cutter, has a heart. Nina George, melts his heart, and plays the cello, at his request. The developer, changes his mind. The embittered senator leaves, and says he’ll find another developer. Upon departing, he is greeted with a crowd demanding the Christmas tree farm stay. This destroys the Senator’s ambitions, and wraps up a beautiful feel good movie.

A Christmas Tree Miracle, succeeds in showing material things are secondary. It is, in the tradition of Frank Capra, showing the little guy, winning out over corporate interests. The director, J.W. Myers, should be proud of his achievement. He has given a very human touch to this film. He shows it best, at the end. We see the two chairs, where Henry Banks and his wife, looked out on their farm. Nina George is sitting in one, and places her hand in Henry Banks chair, and says hello to him. It is sometimes an uncomplicated movie like this; that make a very powerful statement.

8. The Apartment (1960)

This movie would seem an odd choice, for a Christmas movie. The movie’s central focus is on adultery. It is how director Billy Wilder presents it, that makes it watchable. He has gotten quality performances from his leads, Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. It is their characters changing, because of each other, that makes it a good Christmas film. Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine are underrated actors. They prove they can act with anyone in this movie.

Jack Lemmon plays an accountant, C.C. Baxter. He is toiling for a large insurance company, in New York City. He is rewarded, but not for his hard work. C.C. has a small apartment. He loans it out, so the corporate bosses, can have liaisons, with their mistresses. He gets a promotion for discreetly giving his key to them. One day, called into Fred Sheldrake’s office. Fred MacMurray, plays Sheldrake. He is the head of the company. His character wants to swap theater tickets, in exchange for using C. C.’s apartment. This offer is accepted. It also gets C.C. the job of executive assistant to Sheldrake.

C.C. Baxter, while getting promoted for helping people with questionable morality; develops feelings, for Fran Kubelik, (Shirley MacLaine), an elevator operator. He finally asks her for a date. He asks her to go to the theater, with the tickets from Sheldrake. She says she’d like to, but she has a date. C.C suggests she leave early, and meet him at the theater. It seems good, but Fran’s date is Mr. Sheldrake. He is trying to rekindle their affair. It works, and Fran completely forgets about C.C. This scene is emphasized by Billy Wilder, showing Lemmon’s character waiting in the rain, outside the theater. C.C. finally walks home alone. Miss Kubelik explains things, but it doesn’t help. Fran Kubelik believes Fred MacMurray’s character has true feelings for her. She is excited about spending Christmas with him. Sheldrake gives her a dose of reality. It is that she is his mistress, and not his wife. He leaves her, at the apartment.

C. C. comes home to his apartment. He also brings home a woman, he picked up at the bar. He goes into his bedroom, to find Miss Kubelik unconscious. She has swallowed sleeping pills, after her rejection. C.C. gets rid of the woman, and gets a doctor. Dr. Dreyfus, (Jack Kruschen), lives next door. He has the mistaken impression that C.C. is entertaining women. He gives Fran Kubelik a shot to revive her. She is left in C.C.’s custody. C.C. calls Fred Sheldrake. His response is unfeeling. After Fran recovers, Sheldrake dismisses her suicide attempt as childish. He does plan on meeting her, to talk. He requests C.C.’s key. He gives him a key. It is the key to the executive washroom. C.C. quits, deciding he can’t stomach what he was doing. Fran meets Sheldrake, for a small New Year’s Eve celebration. She is not in the mood for celebrating. She leaves placing her hat on her chair. Fran Kubelik goes back to the apartment, just in time to celebrate with C. C. Baxter.

The Apartment succeeds with showing how amorality isn’t the best path in life. C.C. Baxter may have gotten his dream job, following the short crooked path to success. It is when he realizes, that the bosses couldn’t care less about anyone, but themselves, that he sees the light. It also helps that the light comes in the form of Fran Kubelik. They realize in the end, that two people can fix mistakes, and find happiness. The story is made stronger, because it ends up being a moral tale, mainly taking place during the holidays.

Billy Wilder was known for a variety of films. He put his own style into comedies. The Apartment could be considered a comedy. It does have some good lines, written by Billy Wilder. One is when one of the bosses mistress, asks if he takes other women to the apartment. He says no, because he’s a happily married man. There is also the awkward back and forth with Fred MacMurray and Jack Lemmon, about his loaning him the apartment. Wilder also has staged a wild and crazy Christmas party. It has the normal drinks flowing, and a faux striptease. Billy Wilder would win an unprecedented three academy awards for this picture, best film, best director and best screenplay. He made a Christmas film without it being the central theme.

7. A Christmas Story (1983)

Jean Shepherd narrates the film, based on his book, In God We Trust; All Others Pay Cash. He also wrote the screenplay. A Christmas Story, may be one of the oddest Christmas movies. It is, despite this, a charming look at Christmas through a child’s eyes. The locale is Indiana, with a timeline, somewhere in the 1940’s.

Ralphie, (Peter Billingsley), only wants one thing for Christmas. That is a Red Ryder BB gun. The adults say no, because he’ll put his eye out. He wants this so badly, that he leaves hints everywhere. He even puts the ad in his mother’s magazine. He tries to be cool about it, but it is nearly impossible. He even has a fantasy about it. He is shown defending his family, dressed as a cowboy. His family is cowering in fear, under the kitchen table. They are afraid of Black Bart, and his gang. Ralphie, grabs his trusty Red Ryder, and goes out to meet Black Bart. He drives away the gang, and saves his family. This sequence is well done, by director, Bob Clark. He has put together a few sequences, like this. There is one, where Ralphie has written an assigned composition about what he wants for Christmas. His teacher, dressed like a witch, cackles at his request. His mother, also dressed oddly, says, the standard, “you’ll put your eye out.” This movie shows a mostly unflattering picture of teachers.

A Christmas Story shows kids doing silly things. The silliest being Ralphie’s friend, Flick, (Scott Schwartz), being triple dog dared to stick his tongue on a flagpole. Flick takes the dare. It results in his tongue getting stuck to the flagpole. The kids leave and go to class. The teacher, Miss Shields, (Tedde Moore), asks about Flick’s absence. She sees the distressed child, and calls the fire department. They get him loose, and bandage his tongue. This scene, is funny. Another thing is Ralphie’s flawed reasoning. The kids are assigned to write about what they want for Christmas. The children are giving their teacher little gifts for Christmas. These are simple things like candy and flowers. Ralphie has decided to give his teacher, a basket of fruit. He believes a small bribe will help his grade. He is in disbelief later, when he receives a C+.

Ralphie’s home life is typical. He has a loving mother, (Melinda Dillon), who believes in stern discipline. He finds out what type, when he lets use with a vulgar word, when helping his father, change a tire. When they get home, his mother sticks a bar of soap, in his mouth. Ralphie’s mom also shows her loving side. He is stopped by the school bully, Scut Farkus, (Zack Ward). It’s when the bully crosses the line, that Ralphie loses it. He pounces on him, and begins wailing away. It is only when his mother gets him, that he stops. Ralphie is inconsolable, but his mother calms him, and tells him to lie down. Ralphie is concerned at dinner, that his father will severely punish him. His mother explains things, and nothing more is said.

Ralphie’s dad, (Darren McGavin), lovingly referred to as “The Old Man Parker”, is grumpy most of the time. This is mainly because of his battles, with a failing furnace. This causes him to use colorful language. Ralphie thinks it’s ok to use it when angry. This is why he used it, when helping his father. Despite his gruff exterior, The Old Man, is a loving parent. McGavin’s character is delighted when he wins a prize. It comes in the mail. It is a lamp, in the shape of a woman’s leg. The Old Man horrifies his wife, by displaying it in his living room window. Darren McGavin and Melinda Dillon are good in a movie, that highlights a world seen by children.

A Christmas Story is a film about the holiday. A movie concerning Christmas, would not be complete without some mention of Santa Claus. This film shows him. It makes a visit to Santa scary. The elves are impatient, and The Jolly Old Elf is intimidating. He pushes the kids requests, and then kicks them down a slide. Ralphie pulls himself up from the slide, telling Kris Kringle, his desired gift. Santa’s response is the typical, “you’ll poke your eye out.”

Christmas comes, and it seems Ralphie’s hopes are dashed. The Old Man, directs Ralphie to a corner. There is a package. He opens it, and it is his desired Red Ryder rifle. His Christmas is made complete by his wonderful parents. He tries out his gun, and nearly put his eye out. He lies to his mother, and tells her a big ice sickle hit him.

The family anticipates a delicious Christmas dinner, after exchanging presents. It is ruined, when the neighbors dogs come in, through an open door, and attack it. The Old Man comes up with a solution. They go out for dinner. They end up in a Chinese restaurant, because everything else is closed. The waiters try their best to serenade the family with Christmas carols. This makes for a funny scene. They are served duck, that still has a head. The owner comes over, and decapitates it. After dinner, the family heads home. Ralphie goes to bed, happily sleeping next to his Red Ryder.

A Christmas Story presents the holiday, in a weird light. It succeeds in showing a midwestern Christmas. It gives large doses of weird humor. The movie does give a final positive portrayal of family life. It is the combination of the humorous situations, and Ralphie and his family, that make A Christmas Story, fun.

6. 3 Godfathers (1948)

John Wayne is a legendary figure. He is famous for westerns. Who would think of John Wayne in a Christmas movie. The movie 3 Godfathers is that. It is directed by Wayne’s mentor and friend, John Ford. It was the third time, that the story was filmed. It makes sense that a Christmas story, lensed by John Ford, was filmed in color. Ford used his stable of actors, including Ward Bond, in a solid role, as a sheriff.

The story concerns three men, Robert Marmaduke Sangster Hightower, (John Wayne), Pedro Roca Fuerte, (Pedro Armendariz) and William Kearney, (The Abilene Kid), (Harry Carey Jr.). They have come to the town of Welcome, Arizona. Their intent is to rob the bank. They run into Perley (Buck) Sweet(Ward Bond). They have a casual conversation with him. They ask about the location of the bank. Pearly shows them. The men thank him, and say they’ll be seeing him. Perly says he’s sure he’ll be seeing them. He says this while putting on his badge and gun. The bandits, not threatened by Perly, carry out their bank robbery. The sheriff gets up a posse, and follows in hot pursuit.

The gang go across the hostile desert. They run into a sandstorm. The men against the elements is depicted well by Ford. We see the men desperately seeking shelter. The sandstorm would seem enough, but its not. The Abilene Kid was wounded in the holdup. That still isn’t enough. The bad guys horses run away during the storm. This forces them to cross a hostile environment on foot. All of these obstacles are enough. The gang comes across a covered wagon. They check it and see a woman, and her infant son. The woman is dying, and ask the men to take her child, and dies afterward.

The gang proceed with their baby, taking turns carrying him. It is also humorous to see them trying to care for the infant. The condition of William Kearney deteriorates, and he dies. A little later, Pedro falls down a ravine. Robert Hightower wants him to continue, but he says he can’t. Hightower carries the child, and hears a gunshot, signaling Pedro’s end.

Robert Hightower’s solo mission is to get the child, to New Jerusalem, Arizona. He is shown staggering through the desert, and following the star in the sky. He makes it to his destination on Christmas Eve. He goes into the saloon, and places the bundle of joy, on the bar. It is after this, that Hightower collapses. Sheriff Sweet finds him, and he is arrested.

The next scene shows Perly and Hightower playing chess. John Wayne was a very good player, and in between takes, he would play anyone. The two are discussing the baby’s future, and the sheriff is told the jury has reached a decision. They find Hightower guilty of bank robbery. The judge, (Guy Kibbee) is lenient, and sentences Hightower to a year in prison. Robert Marmaduke Sangster Hightower is escorted to the train, taking him to jail by Deputy Curly, (Hank Warden). Warden was another Ford stock player, who gives some comic relief in this movie. Hightower, before going away, says to Perlie, that he’ll be back to see his “godson”.

The Three Godfathers, like many Christmas movies, has redemption as its central theme. The baby gives the gang of thieves, a new purpose. They aren’t concerned with the law pursuing them, as much as getting their newborn to safety. The significant moment, is when Hightower asks how they are going to find the town. Pedro says to follow the star. They do, and the characters become like the three kings. It is this moment when the gang become people with heart, and not criminals. John Ford was the best at telling a story with a camera. He has done well with 3 Godfathers.

5. Elf (2003)

Will Ferrel has done many films over the years. There are some that are good, some bad and some just goofy. Elf fits into the category of good goofy fun. There are many actors who appear in films, and are forgotten. Elf, gives Will Ferrell a legacy. It sounds silly, just saying it. The truth is that a Christmas film that is on during the season, will be discussed. Elf isn’t just a seasonal movie. It shows Will Ferrel’s comic abilities, and his ability to play a lovable character; Buddy the elf.

Buddy is a happy, but bumbling elf. He is a little out of place. He is fully grown, and twice the size of a normal elf. Santa, (Ed Asner), decides to let Buddy know the truth. Papa Elf, (Bob Newhart), explains to Buddy, that he was found, and was raised by him. He lets Buddy know that his natural mother is gone. A consolation is that his father is alive, and working in NYC. Bob Newhart is good as Papa Elf. He also narrates the story.

Buddy, knowing his true heritage, journeys to the big city. He goes to meet his dad, Walter, (James Caan). Walter works in a big building, coming up with ideas for children’s books. It is when his long lost son appears, that he has him thrown out. Buddy, doesn’t quite understand big city skepticism. This goofy, but lovable fellow, attempts to blend in. Buddy gets a job. He becomes one of Santa’s elves, in the department store. This would seem a natural fit. Buddy sees Santa, thinking it’s him. Mr. Kringle is not acting like Santa. Buddy senses this, and gets into a fight with the phony Santa. This gets him unemployed and imprisoned.

Buddy contacts his only living relative, Walter. He’s bailed out, and stays with him. He meets the family, Walter’s wife, Emily, (Mary Steenburgen), and son, Michael, (Daniel Tay). Buddy is happy in Walter’s home. He delights in his own food concoctions. This includes spaghetti with syrup and candy. Michael isn’t fond of Buddy. He changes his mind, when walking with him. Bullies begin throwing snowballs, at him and Buddy. There is one thing Buddy does well. He is a champion snowball thrower. He causes a rapid retreat, by the bullies. He gains respect from his stepbrother, and this is a highlight of the film.

Buddy can’t be left alone, and Walter takes him to work. Buddy interrupts an important business meeting. Walter is going over story ideas, with a famous children’s author, Miles Finch, (Peter Dinklage). Buddy offends Finch, and a fight ensues. This is too much for Walter. He tells Buddy, that he doesn’t want anything to do with him.

Buddy walks away, dejected. Even though he is hurt, he can find comfort. He has found a girlfriend, Jovie, (Zooey Deschanel). She is charmed by Buddy’s innocence. Walter is persuaded by Emily to accept Buddy and they reconcile. Buddy having found happiness, goes back to The North Pole, with Jovie.

It is enough to put together a successful comedy. Will Ferrel is the star of Elf. Jon Favreau, as the director, has succeeded in giving an unusual, but very charming and funny movie to film fans. Elf is a film that grows on you, after a few Christmas viewings.

4. Meet Me in St. Louis (1944)

There are some films that aren’t specifically centered on Christmas. Meet Me in St. Louis is one of those. It has great production values. Its place among Christmas movies, is the song, Have Yourself a Merry a Merry Little Christmas. This is beautifully rendered by Judy Garland. She was the crown jewel of MGM’s female stars. She is helped along with veteran actors, Mary Astor, Leon Ames and Harry Davenport. The film is helmed by Garland’s future husband, Vincent Minelli.

Meet Me in St. Louis takes place in the year, leading up tp the 1904 world’s fair. It starts in summer, and ends in spring of 1904. Everything is well done, the house, the neighborhood, etc. Judy Garland performs The Trolley Song. She also sings The Boy Next Door. She along with the beautiful technicolor, brighten this film.

It is the family togetherness, that makes this movie special. Margaret O’Brien, as Tootie Smith, the youngest sibling, steals the show. She performs at a house party, singing a bawdy song, titled , I Was Drunk Last Night. This causes chuckles from the partygoers. It causes shock and some embarrassment for Garland’s character, Esther Smith. The best interaction between the two sisters, is when Garland sings, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Esther Smith is trying to cheer up her unhappy sister. The family is unhappy because the father, Mr. Alonzo Smith. (Leon Ames), has been offered a job in New York City. It is a sad moment, but the best scene in the movie. After this, Tootie, angry and upset, destroys the snowmen, that the family built. It is Vincent Minelli’s way of showing the family’s distress.

Meet Me in St. Louis is an exceptional movie, with great scenes. The standout ones are at Christmas. The Christmas ball stands out. Grandpa ,(Harry Davenport), takes Esther to the ball. She doesn’t have a date, with The Boy Next Door, John Truett, (Tom Drake). He does show up later. Grandpa begins to dance with Esther, and then the audience sees something, that makes this film special. Esther and grandpa, are dancing. They disappear behind the Christmas tree. Esther comes out from the tree, with John Truett. This is movie magic at its finest. Harry Davenport is great as the philosophical grandpa.

The parents in the film, Alonzo and Anna Smith, (Mary Astor), take a backseat, to their children. They do have a a duet, You and I. This shows that they still have a strong love for each other. It is just another scene, that highlights the family togetherness.

Everything ends well for the Smith family. They stay in St. Louis, and the girls, get their man. Esther gets John Truett and Rose Smith, (Lucille Bremer), gets hers, Warren Sheffield, (Robert Sully). The truly happy family celebrate a beautiful spring day, by going to the 1904 world’s fair. A beaming Esther Smith is happy to be at the world’s fair, in her hometown of St. Louis.

Meet Me in St. Louis, finally broke Judy Garland, out of her juvenile film roles. It shows that she can act. Vincent Minelli also set himself on the road to being a successful director. He went on to direct one of the best MGM musicals, in An American in Paris. This movie, Meet Me in St. Louis, charms from the start, and never lets up. It doesn’t matter what genre you prefer, you will like this film.

3. Christmas in Connecticut (1945)

What do you do if you get caught in a lie? That is the dilemma of Elizabeth Lane, (Barbara Stanwyck). She has claimed to be a cook in her magazine articles. This presents a problem to her, because the publisher, Alexander Yardley, (Sydney Greenstreet), has invited a veteran, Jefferson Jones, (Robert Morgan), to her Connecticut home. It turns out Elizabeth Lane, also lied about her living arrangement. She says she has a country home in Connecticut, with a husband and baby. She has a small apartment, in New York City, and is single.

It is fortunate in Lane’s case to have friends. They are Felix Bassenak, (S. Z. Sakall) and Reginald Gardner, (John Sloan). Elizabeth Lane even borrows a baby. Felix Bassenak is a cook, who tries to help Elizabeth Lane polish her culinary skills. The two actors provide laughs, trying to make pancakes. Reginald Gardner, is a man with a country home in Connecticut. He pretends to be her husband. He also lends her the house. This is on the condition that they get married. This is a problem for Stanwyck’s character. She desperately tries to dodge Reginald Gardner. It becomes more thorny, when she and Jefferson Jones fall in love.

Elizabeth Lane’s lie comes apart, and she loses her job. It also costs Reginald Gardner business with Alexander Yardley. Lane causes Yardley a professional setback. Her publisher realizes that the bad publicity can be overcome, and he doesn’t want a competitor getting the veteran story. He rehires Lane. Elizabeth Lane also gets her man. This puts a bow, on a very funny and entertaining Christmas story.

Peter Godfrey wasn’t a premier director in Hollywood. It doesn’t matter, because he scores with this one. He has captured the look and feel of Christmas, telling a good story. It helps him that he has one of the best actresses of the era. Barbara Stanwyck shows that she is good at comedy. She showed her acting ability in Meet John Doe. This film, is a comedy, which is always challenging. Barbara Stanwyck, in her role as Elizabeth Lane, proved that she was up to the challenge. Christmas in Connecticut remains a film to be enjoyed during the holiday season.

2. It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947)

Christmas films are, mostly movies with a message. That is the case with It Happened on Fifth Avenue. The message is the haves in life, don’t always know, or have as much, as the have nots. It has the feel of a Frank Capra film. The movie was not helmed by him. It was directed by Roy Del Ruth. It has two actors, known for supporting roles, Charles Ruggles and Victor Moore, in the leads. They play respectively, Michael McConnell, and Aloyisius McKeever. They are two men, who’ve lived very different lives.

Aloyisius McKeever, is a man who has chosen a carefree life, free from working for a living. He has decided no job can support his lifestyle. It is his decision to let others support his. He takes up residence every winter, in Michael J. O’Conner’s 5th Avenue mansion. O’Connor is away in Virginia. This year he is joined by Jim Bullock, (Don Defoe), a veteran. Bullock was tossed out of his apartment, because O’Connor bought the building. Over time, others move in. This includes a couple with a baby, and Whitey Temple, (Alan Hale Jr.). It also includes O’Connor’s daughter, Trudy, (Gale Storm). She is attracted to Jim Bullock. O’Connor has found out about the squatters, but he doesn’t evict them. He decides to go undercover as Mike. This lends for comic situations. Mike likes to voice his opinion, but is always put in his place by Aloyisius. He finds out something he didn’t know. He has on his path to business success, overlooked the common man. He grows fond of his tenants, and manages to get back with his wife, Mary, (Ann Harding). She was alienated by O’Connor’s business practice, and his long absences from family. Michael O’Connor doesn’t like that his daughter is seeing an older man. He is reminded that he was older, than his wife. He is also encouraged that Jim Bullock has a head for business. These two things allow him to approve his daughter’s choice. O’Connor also reveals who he is except to Aloyisius McKeever. McKeever was given notice by the police, to vacate the property, by New Years, which he does. He leaves to head to O’Connor’s now vacant Virginia residence. Michael O’Connor says to his wife, that next year, Aloyisius comes through the front door.

The charm of It Happened on Fifth Avenue, is the interaction of the well to do, Michael J. O’Connor and Aloyisius McKeever and his friends. It is Michael O’Connor’s realization, that money isn’t everything and giving back is what gives a person true wealth. This film sends a message, that is very strong, and should be seen by all.

  1. The Bishop’s Wife (1947)

Cary Grant was, at the time of The Bishop’s Wife, everybody’s favorite leading man. He gained fame as a romantic lead. His role in this film isnt quite that. He does as Dudley, the Angel, turn on his full charm. He makes this film come alive with Christmas magic. Henry Coster directed this marvelous movie. He has given the audience some moving scenes. One is Dudley’s entrance into the life of the bishop, Henry Brougham, (David Niven). Niven’s character asks for help, and the picture of the cathedral lights up, and Dudley appears. He also adds humorous touches, such as Dudley filling the wine glass, of Professor Wutheridge, (Monty Wooley).

We first see Dudley when he saves a child who runs in front of a car. This establishes who he is. He proceeds to work with Bishop Brougham on his cathedral project. There are distractions for Dudley. The major one being, the Bishop’s wife, Julie Brougham, (Loretta Young). Grant had many fine leading ladies, and Loretta Young is equal to the best of them in this film. Mrs. Brougham is feeling neglected by her husband, and starts keeping company with Dudley. This relationship is highlighted by Dudley and Julie Brougham, skating on a pond. They even bring the cabdriver, Sylvester, (James Gleason),onto the ice. Dudley makes Sylvester into a skater. The photography in the skating scenes is terrific. Although Julie is happy, her husband is not, and fires Dudley, mainly because he’s jealous.

The main problem with the Bishop’s cathedral is the financial backer. She is the wealthy widow, Mrs. Hamilton, (Gladys Cooper). Her insistence that her husband’s name, be all over the cathedral, and other things, cause nothing but grief, for Bishop Brougham. Dudley pays a visit to her. He discovers a song, that Mr. Hamilton wrote for his wife. There is a harp in the room. Dudley begins playing the song. Mrs. Hamilton comes in, and talks to Dudley. She discusses her deep love for her late husband. Dudley has accomplished with a song, what humans couldn’t do with talking. He has softened her heart. She tells the bishop later, that all of her money is going to the less fortunate. The bishop is a little unhappy, because he can’t build his church. He later talks to Dudley. Dudley responds his purpose was to guide Bishop Brougham and not to build his church. The bishop finally understands and Dudley departs, but not before hearing Bishop Brougham’s sermon.

The Bishop’s wife is a simple tale. The screenplay, written by academy award winners, Robert Sherwood and Billy Wilder, is based on Robert Nathan’s novel. It gives a person a good feeling, that help from above is there when you need it. Dudley, before completing his mission, performs small good deeds. Debbie Brougham, (Karolyn Grimes), wants to be in a snowball fight. Dudley uses some angel magic, making her good at snowball throwing. This gives her peer acceptance. Dudley helps Professor Wutheridge, write a book on Ancient Rome. The good professor has had writer’s block for twenty years. Dudley produces an ancient Roman coin. He proceeds to tell the professor the story behind it. This, along with a little suggestion by Dudley, gives Professor Wutheridge the confidence he needs. He later gives the bishop, the same coin. Dudley also realizes, that his feelings for Mrs. Brougham, compromise his mission on earth. He makes a great sacrifice, when he knows her life on earth, gives true meaning to Bishop Brougham. Cary Grant has given a great performance in this movie. He has made Dudley a special movie character. It also makes The Bishop’s Wife, a very special Christmas movie.

These Christmas films have what it takes, to make a top ten. They are fun and very enjoyable. A few like The Bishop’s Wife, could make anyone’s top ten. These movies are helped by their star power. They have John Wayne, Cary Grant, Jack Lemon and Judy Garland in some. Even the films with lesser known stars, shine. Christmas spirit is sometimes lacking in people. It could be that they are Scrooges or grinches. It may be for other reasons. The Christmas spirit can be rekindled by watching any of these films. Happy viewing and Merry Christmas.

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