The Unknown (1927) Lon Chaney Joan Crawford Director-Tod Browning

Lon Chaney had a unique acting style. It didn’t matter what the movie was or his role in it. He stood out. Chaney shows his acting skills in The Unknown. He plays Alonzo the Armless, a circus performer. He performs difficult stunts using his legs. This includes throwing knives, and even smoking a cigarette. All of Chaney’s films were silent, except one. It was a difficult task to communicate without speaking. Chaney does this seemingly without effort: with scowls, looks, and movement.

Chaney’s character, Alonzo, isn’t really without arms. It’s a deception. He’s a thief on the run; always fearful that he’ll be discovered. He has a partner in his act as a knifethrower, Nanon Zazi, (Joan Crawford). Alonzo has a difficult time separating his personal and professional life. He falls in love with Nanon. There are two problems with this. One is Nanon’s father Antonio. He is very protective of his daughter. The second problem is Malabar the Mighty, (Norman Kerry) who also loves Nanon. Antonio is so protective, that he beats Alonzo, when he sees them together. Alonzo can’t defend himself, because he will reveal himself. He is saved from a severe beating by Malabar, who pulls Antonio away from Alonzo.

It looks like Alonzo can win Nanon’s love. She sees him as gentle and kind. She doesn’t like Malabar’s forwardness. She is very shy around men, mainly because of her over protective father. Everything seems to be going well for Alonzo. That is until Antonio sees Alonzo leaving Nanon. He attacks Alonzo. This time Alonzo defends himself, and strangles Antonio.

Nanon didn’t see the murderer’s face, but can say that he had two thumbs on one hand. Alonzo’s friend and confidant Cojo, (John George), explains this to Alonzo. It seems that it’s impossible for Chaney’s character to win Nanon’s love. Alonzo has come up with a bizarre solution. He will literally become his alias. He blackmails a surgeon into amputating his arms. He of course, will have to recuperate in the hospital, for a few weeks.

Alonzo returns to the carnival. His absence was felt by Nanon. She is happy to see her friend has returned. She has never realized how Alonzo felt. She tells him that in his absence, she fell in love with Malabar. The other devastating news for Alonzo, is that the happy couple are to be married. This fills Alonzo with rage. He comes up with a plan to kill Malabar. The carnival strongman is going to demonstrate his abilities. He is going to be tethered to two horses, running on a treadmill. Alonzo sabotages it, and before the horses can pull apart his rival, Nanon jumps in front of the horse. Alonzo sees this selfless act, and pushes her away. He is in turn trampled by the horse. Nanon is then embraced by Malabar.

The Unknown is a bizarre story of unrequited love. It also gives a portrait of people changing their personas for love. Malobar softens his conceit and Nanon leaves behind her fear and suspicions.This movie could have been written by O. Henry or Rod Serling. It is because of the irony of Alonzo giving up his arms for love, and then making the supreme sacrifice for the love of Nanon.

This movie is made by Lon Chaney’s acting. There are others who make contributions. One is Joan Crawford. Her role as Nanon is that of a virtuous innocent and somewhat naive woman. It is so different it from her roles as women who aren’t always practicing high morals. Another is John George as Cojo. He tries very hard to keep Alonzo from destroying his life. He plays Cojo with empathy and as a true friend to Alonzo.

Tod Browning was known for directing Dracula. He’s done a good job helming The Unknown. The opening scene showing Alonzo throwing knives with his feet, at Nano is good. The way the camera focuses on Nanon, gives the viewer a feel for being in the carnival audience. The final scene of the horse going wild and trampling Antonio is well shot. It isn’t always the director who gets credit for a good film. Tod Browning should for this movie.

Silent films are under appreciated.They aren’t shown often on tv. They were the chief form of entertainment for audiences for many years. It is a film like The Unknown that proves how hard it was to make a solid story without sound.

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