Unplanned (2019) Ashley Bratcher Robia Scott Director- Chuck Konzelman Cary Solomon

How do you make a movie about one of the most divisive issues in America? That issue is abortion, and filmmakers Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon have made a film about it. It is a powerful film and they pull no punches.

It is the story about Abby Johnson, who was the director of a Planned Parenthood facility outside of Houston, Texas. She worked there for eight years, until she was asked to assist in an abortion. When she sees the abortion being performed on the ultrasound, she runs from the room horrified at what she has helped to do. She then resigns her position, and joins a pro life group.

This film is told in flashback, with Abby Johnson narrating. It begins with Abby being swayed by a representative from Planned Parenthood. She begins working for the organization, with the impression that she is helping women, make informed choices about reproductive health. She believes that planned parenthood is performing a minimum amount of abortions. Abby Johnson takes her belief to the extreme. She lies to the father of a teenage girl, who had serious complications, after her abortion. Abby comes home with blood on her shoes, and her daughter asks what happened. She lies again, much to the disappointment of her husband. She keeps her belief, until she is in a meeting with her boss, and other directors. Her boss pushes abortion, and Abby points out the mission statement of Planned Parenthood, which is in contrast, to what her boss has stated. After the meeting, her boss has a heated discussion with her. The discussion revolves around the fact that Abby’s boss is upset that she called her out about abortion. She also makes it clear to Abby that their employer’s goal, is abortion, and that her [Abby’s] life is better because of it. She is written up by her boss for contradicting her. This despite being Planned Parenthood’s employee of the year. Abby Johnson still continues her work, after this. Then that fateful day comes, when she realizes that her life’s mission is wrong. She resigns and joins the pro-life movement, where two of her friends are actively involved. It is through her involvement, with this organization, that Planned Parenthood is forced to close its doors.

Ashley Bratcher gives a very moving performance as Abby Johnson. She shows how naive people can be, when it comes to a belief. You can see the shock and horror she feels, as she watches the unborn child struggle against the suction, that will kill it. Her guilt is shown when she talks to her husband, played by Brooks Ryan, about what happened. She cries and asks him how God can forgive her for what she’s done.

Robia Scott’s performance as Cheryl, would make any actor who’s ever played an evil character proud. She does her best to channel Lady Macbeth. A key scene that reinforces the cold persona of Robia Scott’s character, is when her and Abby are in the room, that stores all of the aborted fetuses. Abby examines one, and shows no emotion. Cheryl tells her that when the employees see them, they cry. She is impressed and knows that Abby is the one to continue her work. Cheryl has a firm conviction that abortion is necessary. The character reinforces her belief, when she tells Abby, that rich and powerful people, keep Planned Parenthood funded. Robia Scott projects her character’s shock and anger, when her protégée Abby, won’t tow the company line. The character of Cheryl clearly shows the dividing line on this issue.

This film received an R rating due to its graphic nature. It shows Abby after she has a second abortion, induced by medication, bleeding heavily, and writhing in pain on the bathroom floor, until she passes out. Another is a botched abortion on a teenager. She is in post op, when she starts hemorraging. The patient is taken back to surgery and blood is shown everywhere. After the surgery, the staff is shown cleaning up all the blood. One of the most bizarre scenes is when Abby’s coworkers throw her a baby shower, in the facility. They are watching her open presents and everyone is laughing and having a great time. None of them ever thinks about how this doesn’t fit with their employer’s goal. Abby’s conversion to the prolife side is the most impactful of all. It’s impossible to look away, when the fetus life is being ended, and the dead fetus is forced into a vacuum tube that fills with it’s blood. A very emotional scene comes at the end, when the Planned Parenthood facility is closed. Abby has written a letter of apology to her two children, that she aborted, which she puts on the fence of the facility; which is now covered with red and white roses.

The question people may ask is why show so many graphic scenes to get across a message. It’s because it is necessary to show the filmmakers point. That point being, that if Abby Johnson hadn’t been party to performing an abortion; she may still be earning a comfortable living and sleeping well; believing she was helping people.

A good point made is that the film shows that Abby’s friends, Shawn and Marisa, played well by Jared Lotz and Emma Elle, never condemn her for what she does. They always pray for her, and give her a smile and a warm greeting. This movie shows through its main character, Abby Johnson, that people who have opposing viewpoints, can still be loving and caring, as well as being loved. This is shown throughout the film, with Abby’s second husband and her mother. They both disagree with her career choice, but love her very much. Unplanned is a well made and well acted film. It should be seen by people on both sides of the issue.

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